ISS Daily Summary Report – 4/25/2023


JEM Water Recovery System (JWRS): Treated Water Bag and Cation Exchange Tank Port valves were opened as part of system verification objectives. The demonstration of JWRS generates potable water from urine. In the past, urine and wastewater were collected and stored, or vented overboard. However, for long-term space missions, water supply could become a limiting factor. Demonstrating the function of this water recovery system on orbit contributes to updating the Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) to support astronauts on the space station and future exploration missions.

Manufacturing Device: The printed object was removed and trashed, and the extruder print nozzle was cleaned. The Additive Manufacturing Facility (AMF) enables the production of components on the ISS for both NASA and commercial objectives. Parts, entire experiments, and tools can be created on demand utilizing the AMF that is installed into an EXPRESS Rack locker location. The AMF is capable of producing parts out of a wide variety of thermopolymers including engineered plastics.


Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Preparation: The crew inspected the Load Alleviating Strap on Safety Tethers, Waist Tethers, and soft strap on D-Ring Extenders for structural integrity. Next, the crew inspected for damaged cords on mounted and unmounted Retractable Equipment Tethers (RETs). Prior to each series of EVAs, the crew inspects all Tethers planned for use during the series. After tether inspections, the crew completed checkouts of the two Simplified Aid For EVA Rescues (SAFERs) and performed configuring of EVA tools.

EVA Procedure Reviews and Conference: The crew completed a Robotics Procedure Review, an EVA Depress Review, and a US EVA S-Band RFG Retrieval EVA Procedure Review. The reviews included timelines, briefing packages, tool configuration summaries, a crib sheet, caution warnings, task data, and get ahead procedures. Finally, the crew participated in a conference with the ground team to further discuss final operations to ensure a successful EVA on April 28th. During this EVA, the EV crew will retrieve S-band RFG from the stanchion and complete preparation for the IROSA Install EVAs.

Regenerative ECLSS Recycle Tank Drain Operations: The crew set up the drain of the installed Recycle Tank to the Brine Processor using the Brine Processor Transfer Hose. After set up, the ground team initiated the drain using the Urine Transfer System (UTS). Following that, the crew terminated the drain of the installed Recycle Tank to the Brine Processor then repositioned the fill/drain valve to fill. In the next step of the process, the crew swapped the ЕДВ in the offload ЕДВ spot of the UTS. Finally, the crew configured the Urine Processor Assembly (UPA) Fill Drain Valve for UPA processing. The UPA, part of the Regen ECLSS System, produces distillate from a mixture of pretreated urine, urine flush water, and Crew Health Care System wastewater. 

Completed Task List Activities:

  • None

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • WSC SCP-7 CY21Q4-2 RHEL8 Step-up
  • Regenerative ECLSS Recycle Tank Drain Support
  • MT Translation
  • EVA Procedure Conference
  • PRO MSRR Activation Commanding

Look Ahead Plan

Wednesday, April 26 (GMT 116)

  • Actiwatch Setup and Swap
  • Advanced NanoStep Cartridge Install
  • Immunity Assembly Audit
  • JEM Microscope Temp Setup
  • JWRS Sample Collect and TOCA Closeout
  • RADMAP Install
  • Veg-05 Cleanup and Dry


  • EVA Tool Configuring
  • THC OGS AAA Flow Measurement
  • Photo/TV EVA Camera Configuration
  • EVA Cuff Checklist Print
  • IFM RFG Bag Gather

Thursday, April 27 (GMT 117)

  • Actiwatch Doff
  • Veg-05 Deactivation


  • EVA Procedure Review and Conference
  • EVA Tool Configuring and Audit
  • Equipment Lock Preparation
  • EVA Helmet Light Installation
  • ROBO Procedure Review and Conference

Friday, April 28 (GMT 118)

  • Crew Off Duty


  • USOS RFG Retrieval EVA

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • Standard Measures Post-Sleep Questionnaire
  • EVA ROBO Procedure Review
  • JWRS Treated Water Bag Valve Opening
  • Photo/TV (P/TV) Battery Charge Initiation and Swap
  • Regenerative ECLSS Recycle Tank Drain and Fill
  • US EVA Tether and RET Inspection
  • SAFER Checkout
  • EVA Depress Review
  • Environmental Health System (EHS) Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) WRS Sample Analysis and Data Record
  • EVA Procedure Review and Conference
  • Manufacturing Device Print Removal, Clean, and Trash
  • Photo T/V (P/TV) Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Exercise Video Setup and Stow
  • Public Affairs Office (PAO) Event in JEM
  • Atmosphere Control and Supply (ACS) Oxygen Manual Valve Open
  • AC Vacuum Cleaner Label Attachment
  • Rechargeable EVA Battery Assembly (REBA) Powered Hardware Checkout
  • EVA Tool Configuring
  • Countermeasures System (CMS) Treadmill 2 System (T2) Monthly Inspection