Airborne Particulate Monitor (APM): The crew checked the APM hardware and display, then notified the ground team of the status. Air quality in crewed spacecraft is important for keeping astronauts healthy and comfortable. Although requirements exist for maximum allowable concentrations of particulate matter, currently no measurement capability verifies whether these requirements are met. APM demonstrates an instrument for measuring and quantifying the concentration of both small and large particles in spacecraft air. The data can be used to create a map of air quality in terms of particles and shed light on the sources of such particles.
AstroPi: In a continuation of the ongoing AstroPi challenge, the 6 mm camera lens of the AstroPi Visible camera was covered with its lens cap. Two augmented Raspberry Pi computers (called AstroPis) were flown to the ISS and are both equipped with the mighty Sense Hardware Attached on Top (HAT) that measures the environment inside the ISS, detects how the station moves through space, and picks up the Earth’s magnetic field. Each AstroPi is also equipped with different types of cameras: one has an infrared camera, and the other has a standard visible spectrum camera.
Dreams: In preparation for experiment activities, the Dreams dry-electroencephalogram (EEG) headband was charged and then set up. Sleep plays a major role in human health and well-being. Insufficient sleep or sleep disorders can increase the risk of developing medical conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, and can impair task performance. The Sleep Monitoring in Space with Dry-EEG Headband (Dreams) is a technology demonstration investigation that utilizes the Dry-EEG Headband: an effective, affordable, and comfortable solution to monitor astronaut sleep quality during long-duration spaceflight aboard the ISS.
Immunity Assay: Sample collection and processing continued for the second Immunity Assay science session. The Monitoring the Cellular Immunity by In Vitro Delayed Type Hypersensitivity (DTH) Assay on the ISS (Immunity Assay) investigation aims to monitor the impact of spaceflight stressors on cellular immune functions in a sample, with the help of a functional immune test. Until now, this test could only be accomplished on Earth, and conducted pre- and postflight. With the help of a newly developed assay tube, researchers can also execute this test inflight, which allows for a much clearer assessment of the immune changes that happen in flight.
Ring Sheared Drop-Interfacial Bioprocessing of Pharmaceuticals (RSD-IBP): The crew reviewed the procedures and installed the first sample syringe into the RSD experiment hardware. The ground team will later command the deployment of a large drop (up to 25mm in diameter) into the system for processing. The RSD module is a containerless liquid system that makes it possible to study protein solutions without the effects of interactions with solid walls. RSD-IBP studies the behavior of high-concentration protein fluids and tests computer models for predicting that behavior. More accurate models could enable production of next-generation medicines for treating cancers and other diseases.
Space Health: The crew reviewed the Big Picture Words and set up the Bio-Monitor system to prepare for the experiment activities. The Autonomous Health Monitoring for Adaption Assessment on Long Range Missions Using Big Data Analytic (Space Health) investigation utilizes the Bio-Monitor system for physiological monitoring before, during, and after a mission to the International Space Station to assess the effect of space travel on heart health. The Artemis analytical platform is used to provide automated analysis of the cardiovascular system in order to develop a near real-time assessment tool. The potential use of the Bio-Monitor system and the Artemis platform for future space missions is being evaluated.
Zero Treadmill 2 (T2): An Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull (IMTP) exercise session was performed on the Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED). Exploration-class missions including Artemis, Gateway, and beyond require an exercise device that is lightweight and has a small footprint. These devices provide a variety of full body resistance exercise options, and aerobic rowing and cycling, but no treadmill. Without a treadmill there is no means of ambulating, or reinforcing the motor pattern of walking and therefore the objective of this study is to quantify the effect of no treadmill usage during an entire spaceflight mission on bone, muscle, aerobic, and sensorimotor health and performance, which is important data for determining the adequacy of exercise regimens for exploration missions.
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Water Container (ЕДВ-CB) Remove and Replace (R&R) and Fill: Today, the crew removed and replaced the WHC ЕДВ-CB, followed by a manual fill using a Post-Flight Analysis Bag to capture any pressure relief and protect the Dose Pump. The ЕДВ-CB is intended for short-term storage and manual water transportation between facilities. After successfully filling the EДВ-СВ, the crew returned the WHC to nominal use.
In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Blower (BLW) R&R: Today, the crew removed and replaced the Lab CDRA Blower. To prevent removing CDRA from the rack, the spare Blower was separated from the Blower/Precooler Assembly Orbital Replacement Unit (ORU), and the Blower was accessed through the Trace Contaminant Control Subsystem (TCCS) volume for the R&R. CDRA maintains carbon dioxide partial pressure levels within specified limits, while minimizing air and water losses to space. It uses a series of desiccant and adsorbent beds to selectively remove water vapor and CO2 from the cabin atmosphere.
Completed Task List Activities:
- WHC KTO Replace
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- HRF Rack 2 Power Up/Down Commanding
- Lab CDRA R&R Safing
- ACS CCDB Attitude Update
- JEMRMS Activation
- Lab CDRA Checkout
Look Ahead Plan
Tuesday, May 16 (GMT 136)
- Confocal Space Microscope Temperature Logger Data Transfer
- Dreams Doff, Charge and Setup
- Immunity Assay
- J-MPEP Remove/Stow
- POLAR2/7 Desiccant Swap
- Ring Sheared Drop-IBP
- Space Health
- Zero Robotics Dry Run
- T2 Rack Rotation
- T2 DAU R&R
- MPEP Removal from JEM A/L ST
- PAM Familiarization BPW Review
- T2 Rack Rotate Overnight Configuration
Wednesday, May 17 (GMT 137)
- DOSIS-3D Main Box Reposition
- Dreams Headband Doff, Data Transfer and Stow
- Life Support Rack
- Ring Sheared Drop-IBP Processing
- Space Health
- T2 SD and AAA Cleaning XTP
- T2 Rack Rotate
- US EVA Helmet Light Installation
- Training for Emergency Response On-board ISS
- JSL Firewall Preparation for v15.1 Deployment
Thursday, May 18 (GMT 138)
- Advanced Nano Step
- Astrobee Off
- Bioserve Centrifuge C/O
- Confocal Space Microscope
- Insulated Blood Pouch Wanted Poster
- JEM Micro PLT Laptop Prep and Confocal Item Check
- Ring Sheared Drop-IBP
- Space Health Hardware Stow
- T2 Snubber Pin Alignment
- T2 Rack Centering
- Crew Dragon Emergency Equipment Staging
- SSC 10 AX-2 Preparation
- EVA SAFER Installation Practice
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Immunity Assay Collection and Cold Stowage Samples Retrieval and Insertion
- IFM WHC Full Fill
- T2 BPW Review
- Airborne Particulate Monitor Status Check
- LAB CDRA Blower and ASV103 R&R Hardware Gather
- PAO Social Media Event
- Microscope Temp Logger Removal
- VCA1 FOW adjustment
- Immunity Assay Experiment Container Installation
- Space Automated Bioproduct Lab, CO2 Meter Setup, Teardown and Stow
- Microscope Sample Install and Payload Laptop Preparation
- RSD Procedure Review
- Dreams Dry-EEG Headband Charge, Setup, and Doffing
- JEM PLT3 HDD Insertion
- P/TV Lab HD Video Setup
- IFM CDRA BLW Outfitting and R&R
- RSD Syringe Installation
- Space Health BPW Review
- JEM PDH 3 Status Check
- Bio-Monitor Hardware and Wearables Setup
- [Aborted] CMS ARED Cylinder Flywheel Evacuation
- AstroPi Vis Camera Lens Coverage
- P/TV ARED Exercise Video Setup and Stow
- Zero T2 Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull Operations with Video Alternate
- Wanted Poster for Hatch Contingency Tool Kit
- T2 Rack Rotation Tool Gather
- IFM CDRA Leak Check and Closeout
- Bio-Monitor Breathing Volume Calibration
- METOX Regeneration Initiation
- Russian EVA Tool Transfer