Food Physiology: The crew collected samples in support of the Food Physiology investigation. The Integrated Impact of Diet on Human Immune Response, the Gut Microbiota, and Nutritional Status During Adaptation to Spaceflight (Food Physiology) experiment is designed to characterize the key effects of an enhanced spaceflight diet on immune function, the gut microbiome, and nutritional status indicators. These factors are interlinked, but diet is the only one that can be easily and meaningfully altered on Earth or during flight. This investigation aims to document the effect of dietary improvements on human physiology and the ability of those improvements to enhance adaptation to spaceflight.
Microbial Aerosol Tethering on Innovative Surfaces in the ISS (MATISS-3): Two MATISS-3 sample holders were moved to the designated locations. MATISS gathers science data by being exposed to the ISS environment in various locations. Bacteria are a big problem in space as it tends to build up in the constantly recycled atmosphere of the ISS. The main objective of the MATISS investigation is to find better materials to build a space station or spacecraft with, especially important for longer missions farther from Earth. Researchers will also monitor how bacteria form biofilms that protect them from cleaning agents and help them adhere to surfaces.
STEMonstration: A STEMonstration activity was performed, which demonstrated the difference between physical and chemical changes. STEMonstrations are short 3–5-minute educational videos that use the unique microgravity environment aboard the ISS to demonstrate popular K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) topics. Each STEMonstration has a corresponding Classroom Connection lesson plan teachers can use in K-12 classrooms to further engage students in STEMonstration topics.
Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) Hardware Stow: Today, the crew ingressed BEAM to retrieve hardware, including a spare Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) cylinder flywheel and spare Combustion Integration Rack (CIR) Input/Output Processor (IOP), for upcoming maintenance activities. The crew began by partially folding the ARED platform, removing items in front of Node 3 Aft for hatch access, entering BEAM, and retrieving and backfilling hardware. Next the crew swapped the splitter and splitter cable on the BEAM Wireless Temperature System (WTS) and BEAM Distributed Detection System (DIDS) to troubleshoot the WTS. After cleanup and egress of BEAM, the crew closed the Node 3 hatch and unfolded the ARED platform back to the nominal position. BEAM is an inflatable storage module that arrived on SpX-8 in 2015.
On-Orbit Hearing Assessment (OOHA) with Kuduwave Software Setup and Test: The crew performed a hearing test using an OOHA Headset and Kuduwave software. The assessment measures hearing function while crewmembers are exposed to noise and microgravity during long-duration spaceflight.
Permanent Multipurpose Module 1 (PMM 1) Port 1 and Starboard 2 Audits: Today, the crew performed audits of the PMM 1 Port 1 and Starboard 2 locations. In Port 1, the rack bay was inspected, and the empty Cargo Transfer Bag (CTB) pantry was organized. Starboard 2 was reorganized to pull soon-to-be-needed items to the front of the bay. The PMM is primarily used for storage of spares, supplies, and waste on the ISS.
Network Monitoring System (NMS) Field Strip: Today, the crew performed a field strip of the NMS Laptop to recover functionality. The NMS Laptop, located in the Lab, collects data that is reviewed ground specialists to ensure the onboard network is functioning properly.
Completed Task List Activities:
- N/A
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- PRO FIR Activation Commanding
- MSS Walkoff Maneuver
- MSS Hover Maneuver
- LSR Vent Line Leak Check
- BEAM WTS Troubleshooting Support
Look Ahead Plan
Thursday, July 6 (GMT 187)
- CIR IOP Replace
- Food Physiology
- Lumina Data Transfer and PAO Event
- NRCSD-26 Deploy
- Repository
- Space Organogenesis
- Standard Measures
- NOD3A5 Rack Rotate Down
- EHS Acoustic Monitor Setup for Static Measurements
- IFM ICDC 1 Installation
- IFM UTS Installation
- EHS POM Calibration
Friday, July 7 (GMT 188)
- ESA EPO Rocket and System
- Food Physiology
- Ice Cubes Facility SSD R&R
- JWRS Setup
- Plant Habitat Wash Cloth Item Search
- Repository
- Standard Measures
- NOD3A5 Rack Rotate Up
- DMS Patch Panel 1 Gap Reduction
- IFM PPSA Gather
- COL Stowage Reconfiguration
Saturday, July 8 (GMT 189)
- Food Physiology
- Crew Off Duty
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- HRF Generic Collection
- HRF Generic MELFI Sample Retrieval and Insertion
- DMS Patch Panel 2 Connection Check
- EHS – SSK and MAS Gather, SSK Collection/Incubation
- STEMonstration BPW Review, Physical and Chemical Changes Demonstration
- WHC Manual Fill Initiate/Terminate
- Food Relocate
- CMS ARED Cylinder Flywheel Evacuation
- Mochii Microscope Power Cycle
- SSC NAS Hard Drive Re-Seat
- PMM 1 Port 1 Audit, Starboard 2 Audit
- PAO Social Media Event
- EHS AQM Vent Vacuum
- DMS USB to LAN Converter Adapters Swap
- RWS Teardown
- ARED Platform Partial Fold/Unfold
- PAO Event in JEM
- EHS – MAS+ Kit Sample Collection
- Food Physiology Reference Material Review
- BEAM MAS/SSK Sample Stow
- Food Physiology Maintenance Work Area Preparation
- ODF Audit
- Food Physiology Sample Processing Hardware Setup
- Food Physiology MELFI Sample Insertion
- Network Monitoring System Field Strip
- Food Physiology Sample Collection Hardware Stow
- HRF Generic Frozen Blood Collection Reconfigure and Hardware Setup
- MATISS-3 Sample Holder Installation
- BEAM Pregather, Ingress, Hardware Stow, Egress, WTS Troubleshooting, Node 3 Aft Stow/Unstow
- OOHA with Kuduwave Software Setup and Test
- Crew Dragon Forward Monthly PCS Checkout
- SpaceX-28 Crew Supply Cargo Photo
- METOX Regeneration Initiation
- Acoustic Monitor Battery Swap, Setup for Crew Worn Measurements