ISS Daily Summary Report – 7/06/2023


Combustion Integration Rack (CIR): The crew gained access to the CIR, and replaced the CIR input/output processor (IOP). The current IOP has a failed cooling fan, which is needed to support CIR operations. CIR includes an optics bench, combustion chamber, fuel and oxidizer control, and five different cameras for performing combustion investigations in microgravity. CIR currently has the Solid Fuel Ignition and Extinction (SoFIE) combustion module installed. SoFIE enables a wide range of solid-material combustion and fire suppression studies, providing common infrastructure including sample holders, flow control, test sections, external radiant heaters, igniters, and diagnostics for multiple investigations. 

Lumina: Lumina was rebooted and data was transferred to a Station Support Computer (SSC) laptop for subsequent downlink. The crew also recorded an educational video discussing radiation measurement on ISS, and Lumina’s novel use of fiber-optic cable as the radiation sensor. Active Dosimeter (Lumina) is an active fiber dosimeter that monitors, in real-time, the received radiation dose by exploiting the capacity of optical fibers to darken when exposed to radiation. The dosimeter provides reliable dose measurements in complex environments such as the ones associated with electrons, protons, gamma-ray or X-ray photons or neutrons.

NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer-26 (NRCSD-26): The crew observed the NRCSD-26 launcher system deploy its six satellites (SC-ODIN, MoonLighter, RADSAT-SK, Ukpik-1, ESSENCE, and IRIS). Some of the objectives for the NRCSD-26 satellites include Earth imagery, student projects, material research, and geological sample exposure to space weather. The NRCSD system is an external deployer that is mounted to the JEM Airlock slide table, transferred outside, and robotically moved in the deploy configuration using the JEM robotic arm. 

Space Organogenesis: Various checkouts were performed in preparation for later science activities. The Development of Advanced 3D Organ Culture System Utilizing the Microgravity Environment (Space Organogenesis) investigation demonstrates growth of organ buds from human stem cells in three-dimensional (3D) cultures in microgravity. Researchers plan to use these cultures to observe growth of the organ buds and analyze changes in gene expression. Cell cultures on Earth need supportive materials or forces to achieve 3D growth, but in microgravity cell cultures likely can expand into three dimensions without those devices.


In-Flight Maintenance (IFM) Node 3 ISS Communications Data Converter (ICDC) Installation: Today, the crew rotated the Life Support Rack (LSR) at NOD3A5 down to access the NOD3A6 volume in preparation for the Node 3 ICDC installation. After gaining access, the crew installed the ICDC and ICDC Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Galois Counter-Mode Unit (AGU), and remated the power and data connectors. The ICDC is a new Orbital Replacement Unit (ORU) built to replace the legacy encryption hardware on the ISS. Another ICDC is planned to be installed in the Lab in a future activity. After the installation, the Urine Transfer System (UTS) was reinstalled on the NOD3D5 Water Recovery System 1 (WRS-1) Rack.

Permanent Multipurpose Module 1 (PMM 1) Overhead 3 Audit: Today, the crew performed an audit of the PMM 1 Overhead 3 location, reorganizing the rack-less bay to pull soon-to-be-needed items to the front. The PMM is primarily used for storage of spares, supplies, and waste on the ISS.

Environmental Health System (EHS) Portable O2 Monitor (POM) Calibration: As a part of standard maintenance, the crew performed calibration of two POMs using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) software on an SSC and the Portable Gas Delivery System. EHS monitors air and water quality for chemical and microbial contaminants, radiation levels, surface microbial contaminants, and acoustic levels.

Completed Task List Activities:

  • N/A

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • JEMRMS NRCSD Ground Control CubeSat Deployment
  • THC CCAA P6 Test
  • HRF Rack 2 Power Down Commanding
  • PRO FIR Activation Commanding
  • CIR Rack Doors Open Support

Look Ahead Plan

Friday, July 7 (GMT 188)

  • ESA EPO Rocket and System
  • Food Physiology
  • Ice Cubes Facility SSD R&R
  • Repository
  • Standard Measures


  • NOD3A5 Rack Rotate Up
  • DMS Patch Panel 1 Gap Reduction
  • IFM PPSA Gather
  • COL Stowage Reconfiguration

Saturday, July 8 (GMT 189)

  • Food Physiology


  • Crew Off Duty

Sunday, July 9 (GMT 190)

  • Crew Off Duty

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • HRF Generic Collection
  • HRF Generic Centrifuge Frozen Collection, Configure and Run, Spin Conclude and Stow
  • Space Organogenesis Item Gathering, Rotator Checkout
  • HRF Generic MELFI Sample Retrieval/Insertion
  • LUMINA Device Power Reboot
  • EML Reprogramming Cable Installation/Removal
  • IFM ICDC 1 Gather and Installation
  • LUMINA Data Transfer via SSC
  • Record UAE PAO Message with Sultan Al Neyadi
  • EHS Acoustic Monitor Setup for Static Measurements
  • NanoRacks Cubesat Video Setup
  • NOD3A5 Rack Rotate Down/Up
  • PAO Event in Columbus
  • PMM 1 Overhead 3 Audit
  • Food Physiology Crew Diet Briefing
  • IFM RWS Cupola Trackball Connector Demate
  • Food Physiology Sample Processing, Hardware, and Portable Glovebag Stow
  • CIR I/O Processor Replacement
  • ICDC Checkout and Closeout
  • Food Physiology MELFI Sample Insertion/Retrieval
  • LSR Umbilical Mate
  • CIR Rack Doors Open/Close
  • IFM UTS Installation
  • ESA Muscle Stimulation Items Repack
  • Headset Extension Cable Photos & Serial Numbers
  • EDR2 Stowage Audit
  • VEG-03 Locate Plant Habitat Wash Cloths
  • EHS POM Calibration
  • METOX Regeneration Initiation/Termination
  • Standard Measures Pre-Sleep/Post-Sleep Questionnaire