ISS Daily Summary Report – 10/03/2023


Actiwatch-Plus: The HRF-1 rack was configured and Actiwatch-plus devices were hooked up for battery charge and data downlink. The Actiwatch-Plus is a waterproof, non-intrusive, sleep-wake activity monitor worn on the wrist of a crewmember and contains a miniature uniaxial accelerometer that produces a signal as the subject moves. The data is stored in non-volatile memory within the Actiwatch until they are downloaded for analysis.

Complement of Integrated Protocols for Human Exploration Research on Varying Mission Durations (CIPHER): Bio-Monitor iPad setup and sample collection setup was completed. The CIPHER investigation aims to improve our understanding of physiological and psychological changes in humans on missions that range from weeks to one year in duration. Conducting the same research over missions of different durations allows scientists to extrapolate to multi-year missions, such as a three-year round-trip to Mars. These data could provide deeper knowledge about changes that may occur on such missions and support development of countermeasures to promote astronaut health and well-being.

Circadian Light: A day assessment of Circadian Light was performed using the EveryWear app on an iPad. The Circadian Light investigation tests a new lighting system, to help astronauts maintain an acceptable circadian rhythm. This can help enhance cognitive performance during a long-duration mission and help combat monotony through automated, varied, and gradually changing lighting sequences and settings.

Sleep in Orbit:  The crew completed pre-measurement activities. The Long-term Sleep Monitoring Before, During and After Extended Spaceflight (Sleep In Orbit) investigation studies the physiological differences between sleep on Earth and in space using ear-EEG based sleep monitoring.


Teal Cycle Ergometer with Vibration Isolation Stabilization (CEVIS) Installation: The crew removed the current CEVIS hardware and attempted installation of the new Teal CEVIS system and associated items. However, they ran into issues with volume limitations and the team will have to rethink the activity and whether to revert back to the previous system or proceed with troubleshooting. CEVIS provides the crew with aerobic and cardiovascular conditioning through recumbent or upright cycling activities.

ExtraVehicular Activity (EVA) Preparation Operations: The crew performed various activities in preparation for the two upcoming EVAs in October. They completed a preparation of the equipment lock and Extravehicular Mobility Units (EMUs) in preparation for suit donning and Extravehicular (EV) and Intravehicular (IV) EMU On-orbit Fitcheck Verifications (OFVs). These activities are in preparation for the upcoming Microorganisms and Radio Frequency Group (RFG) retrieval EVAs scheduled for later this month.

On-orbit Hearing Assessment (OOHA) with KUDUwave Software Setup and Test: The crew performed a hearing test using an OOHA Headset and KUDUwave software. The assessment measures hearing function while crewmembers are exposed to noise and microgravity during long-duration spaceflight.

Completed Task List Activities:

  • FE-10-ARED-CREDIT [GMT 275]
  • P/TV-MIC T/S [GMT 276]

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • JEMAL Depressurization
  • CCS TLM Housekeeping Preempt
  • EMU OFV EV Support

Look Ahead Plan

Wednesday, October 4 (GMT 277)

  • CIPHER Setup
  • HRP Sample Collections
  • PK-4 Video Monitor SW On
  • Sleep in Orbit


  • EVA Tether Inspection
  • POC DOUG Software Review
  • EMU Swap
  • EVA Equipment Lock Preparation

Thursday, October 5 (GMT 278)

  • Cold Atom Lab R&R
  • CIPHER Collection
  • HRP Sample Collections
  • OCT Operations
  • PK-4 Video Monitor SW On and Chamber Gas Exchange (Campaign #17)
  • Sleep in Orbit


  • POC DOUG Software Review
  • Emergency Contingency Drill
  • ITCS RTG Sampling

Friday, October 6 (GMT 279)

  • AWS Snowcone
  • CIPHER Collection
  • ESA EPO Log B Days
  • ISS HAM Pass
  • LUMINA Reboot and Data Transfer


  • EVA SAFER Checkout
  • POC DOUG Software Review
  • EVA Procedure Review & Conference
  • OBT EVA ROBoT Session

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • HRF Generic Sample Collection & MELFI Insertioin
  • B Complex Historical Documentation Photography
  • Circadian Light Morning Data Collection
  • P/TV CEVIS Video Setup
  • Teal CEVIS Installation [Deferred]
  • P/TV ARED Exercise Video Setup & Stow
  • CMS HRM Bluetooth Transmitter Deploy
  • Actiwatch Plus HRF Rack 1 Setup & Stow
  • CMS ARED Cable Arm Rope Flip
  • EVA Equipment Lock Preparation
  • CWC Fill from Waste Water Tank
  • Acoustic Monitor Modified Noise Survey
  • CSA-CP Extended Maintanence
  • Sleep In Orbit Battery Charge & Pre-Measurement Activity
  • CIPHER Bio-Monitor Application iPad Configuration & Collection Setup
  • HMS OOHA with Kuduwave Software Setup and Test