ISS Daily Summary Report – 5/22/2024


BioFabrication Facility (BFF): Media and Bio-Reactor bags were retrieved from cold stowage in preparation for future BFF operations. More information on this experiment can be found here.

Gaucho Lung: Sample 2 was processed and four runs of oil wicking and pushback using the syringe pump were performed. More information on this experiment can be found here.

Genes in Space Molecular Operations and Sequencing (GiSMOS): Flow Cell sample S/N 47 was retrieved from cold stowage and processed using the MiniPCR DNA Sequencer to identify bacteria and fungi properties. More information on this experiment can be found here.

Materials Science Laboratory (MSL) Sample Cartridge Assemblies (SCA)-Batch3a-ESA: The installed MSL sample cartridge Microstructure Formation in Casting of Technical Alloys Under Diffusive and Magnetically Controlled Convective Conditions-3 (MICAST-3) #6 was removed and replaced with the new sample cartridge MICAST-3 #2. The new cartridge was prepared for the next experiment run. More information on this experiment can be found here.

Solid Combustion Experiment Module (SCEM)/ Fundamental Research on International Standard of Fire Safety in Space – Base for Safety of Future Manned Missions (FLARE): Cable Connections were made to the newly installed storage sample collection unit in the SCEM chamber. More information on this experiment can be found here. 

Space Linear Acceleration Mass Measurement Device (SLAMMD): The SLAMMD hardware was connected to the Human Research Facility-1 (HRF-1) laptop and the crew assembled the Calibration Arm, allowing the ground to perform a control run performance test. This performance test is a yearly maintenance requirement. More information on this experiment can be found here.

Sleep in Orbit: Post-Sleep and Pre-Sleep activities were performed along with a battery change for the hardware. Data was downlinked to the ground. More information on this experiment can be found here.

Snowcone Cloud Edge Compute Demonstration (Snowcone): Power was applied to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Snowcone hardware and a voice check was performed to verify functionality. More information on this experiment can be found here.

Transparent Alloys- Columnar-Equiaxed Transition in Solidification Processing for the Transparent Alloys Instrument (CETSOL): The data disk was exchanged. More information on this experiment can be found here.


Water Recovery System (WRS) Catalytic (Cat) Reactor Remove and Replace (R&R) Preparations: In preparation for the Cat Reactor R&R tomorrow, the crew performed several preliminary tasks. These tasks included the gathering of Cat Reactor On-Orbit Replacement Unit (ORU) hardware, the temporary disconnecting of the UTS, and reconfiguring the treadmill and WRS rack front for WRS rack rotation. The Cat Reactor is responsible for introducing oxygen into the system and oxidizes the organics in the waste water.

Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Pre-Treat Tank Remove & Replace (R&R): Today, the Pre-Treat Tank was R&Red as part of nominal WHC preventative maintenance. Each tank contains five liters of pre-treat solution, a mix of acid, chromium oxide, and water, used for toilet flushing and required for nominal WHC operation.

Water Processing Assembly (WPA) Contingency Water Container Iodinated (CWC-I) Offload: While the WPA is offline during the Cat Reactor R&R activities this week, the crew offloaded water from the WPA Waste Water Tank into a CWC-I. This was completed to make room for the continued gathering of waste water from the Urine Processor Assembly (UPA) and atmospheric condensate collection. 

Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) WRS Sample Analysis & Data Record: The crew performed an analysis of the WPA using the TOCA. The TOCA unit oxidizes organic carbon species present in the water to carbon dioxide gas and measures the concentration using nondispersive infrared spectroscopy. Analysis of the potable water using the TOCA occurs on a weekly basis.

NG-20 Cygnus Video Tour: The crew provided a video tour of the inside of NG-20 to show the ground team the progress they have made with packing the vehicle for unberth. This video tour allows the ground crew to spot any issues and make any updates needed before these locations are no longer accessible as the vehicle is filled up.

Look Ahead Plan

Thursday, May 23 (GMT 144)

  • Exploration Environmental Health System (EHS) Portable Water Dispenser (xPWD) – Visual Analysis of Coliform Detection Bags (44hr)
  • GiSMOS – Biomolecular Sequencer stowed
  • Omics Setup
  • Sleep In Orbit Post Sleep and PreSleep
  • Space Organogenesis (SPORG) 3D Chamber Rotator Teardown


  • WRS Cat Reactor R&R
  • Cloudnet Tablet Testing
  • Ion Exchange (IX) Bed R&R
  • Compound Specific Analyzer – Combustion Products (CSA-CP) Extended Maintenance
  • Boeing CFT Preparation Activities
  • Chip Measurement System (CMS) Unit Deploy and Battery Changeout