Astrobee/Zero Robotics: The crew cleared the experiment area and performed Zero Robotics Tech Demo session two. Tech demo sessions provide practice for the crew and validate key components of the Zero Robotics competition. More information on the Zero Robotics investigation can be found here.
B Complex: The crew consolidated their B Complex supplements and stowed them in their personal ISS medical accessories kit (IMAK). B Complex tests the use of supplements to help address Spaceflight-Associated Neuro-ocular Syndrome (SANS). More information on the B Complex investigation can be found here.
ISS Ham: The crew participated in a Ham pass with the Centennial Campus Magnet Middle School Center for Innovation in Raleigh, NC. In preparation for the Ham contact, the 6th-8th grade students have taken a virtual tour of the ISS, and participated in design challenges which included a moon lander. More information on ISS Ham can be found here.
Standard Measures: In support of the Standard Measures investigation, the crew filled out their presleep questionnaires. This investigation collects a set of core measurements related to many human spaceflight risks from astronauts before, during, and after long-duration space missions. More information on this experiment can be found here.
Space Tissue Equivalent Dosimeter (SpaceTED): The crew removed the memory card from the SpaceTED, and transferred the science data to a Station Support Computer (SSC). More information on this experiment can be found here.
Crew-8 Crew Dragon Endeavor Relocation Preparations: Today, in preparation for tomorrow’s Crew-8 port relocation, the crew performed several tasks to prepare both the ISS, the Crew Dragon Endeavor, and the crew for the relocation. These tasks included the relocation of SSCs, updating Crew-8 crew tablets with the most recent emergency procedures, Crew Dragon seat actuator checkout, docking system soft capture inspection, port relocation procedure review, and port relocation computer based training (CBT). The Crew-8 Crew Dragon is being relocated in preparation for the launch of the Boeing CST-100 Crewed Flight Test (CFT).
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Manual Fill Initiation and Termination: The crew initiated a manual fill of the WHC EДВ-СВ (Water Container) using a Post-Flight Analysis Bag to capture any pressure relief to protect the dose pump. The ЕДВ-CB is intended for short-term storage and manual water transportation between facilities. After successfully filling the EДВ-СВ, the crew returned the WHC to nominal use.
Nitrogen/Oxygen Recharge System (NORS) Oxygen Transfer: The crew configured the valves of the Atmospheric Control System (ACS) to allow for the transfer of oxygen from the installed NORS tank to the Airlock tanks. The Airlock tanks are the primary method used by the crew to fill their Extravehicular Mobility Units (EMUs) with oxygen.
Deck Crew Quarters (CQ) Cable Remove and Replace (R&R): The crew replaced the Ethernet cable in the deck CQ due to a worn connector not allowing for stable data transfer. This allows for the crew to have a stable internet connection on their SSCs while they are in their CQ.
PMA-1 Intermodule Ventilation (IMV) Cone Screen Cleaning: Yesterday, the crew cleaned the PMA-1 IMV Cone Screen. This cleaning is completed on a regular basis to ensure that air moves through the ISS unobstructed. The PMA-1 IMV is responsible for moving air from the Russian segment into Node 1, or in the event that the mixing of air from the two segments is no longer desired, can redirect air back into the FGB.
Look Ahead Plan
Thursday, May 2 (GMT 123)
- Actiwatch Plus
- Minus Eighty-Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI) Paint Repair
- Metal-3D Printer
- Standard Measures
- Crew-8 Port Relocation Operations
- UTS Offload EDV Swap
- Emergency Ammonia Hardware Relocate