Boeing CST-100 Crewed Flight Test (CFT): Today, the CFT crew spent time rebuilding the Pressure Control and Pump Assembly (PCPA) SN007 as practice before rebuilding the PCPA SN002 as a viable spare PCPA for the Urine Processor Assembly (UPA).
ExPRESS Rack-6 Laptop (ELC-6): The hard drive was swapped on ELC-6 as part of laptop recovery efforts. ELC-6 has been down since GMT 164. More information about this facility can be found here.
ISS Ham Radio: A Ham Pass was initiated with Complejo Educativo Nuestra Señora de Fátima and Pérez in Argentina. More information on this experiment can be found here.
Space Tissue Equivalent Dosimeter (SpaceTED): The crew removed the memory card from the SpaceTED, and transferred the science data to a Station Support Computer (SSC). More information on this experiment can be found here.
IFM PCPA SN002 Rebuild: This week, in order to ensure a functional PCPA spare exists on-board the ISS, the crew is performing a maintenance procedure to R&R a PCPA motor. Today, the crew first installed the PCPA motor SN002 into the PCPA housing SN007 as a practice run before creating a good spare by installing the PCPA motor SN007 into the PCPA housing SN002. Today’s operations concluded the PCPA Motor R&R. Another spare PCPA is also planned to arrive in August on the Cygnus NG-21 vehicle.
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Pre-Treat Tank Remove & Replace (R&R): Today, a WHC Pre-Treat Tank R&R as part of nominal WHC preventative maintenance. Each tank contains five liters of pre-treat solution, a mix of acid, chromium oxide, and water, used for toilet flushing and required for nominal WHC operation.
Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Preparation Operations: The crew performed various activities in preparation for the upcoming EVA. The crew completed EVA Tool Configuring, an EVA Dynamic Onboard Ubiquitous Graphics (DOUG) Software Review, Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Service & Cooling Umbilical (SCU) Troubleshooting, and an EMU Water Recharge. These activities are in preparation for the upcoming Common Communications for Visiting Vehicle (C2V2), Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS), Rate Gyro Assembly (RGA), and DC-DC Converter Unit (DDCU) (CARD) EVA.
Look Ahead Plan
Friday, June 28 (GMT 180)
- Human Research Facility (HRF) Supply/Resupply
- Plant Habitat CO2 Sensor Replace
- EVA Preparation Operations
- JEM WIS Air Flow Sensor Correction for RSU B1
- Columbus TLC Gather and Labelling
- JEM NG-21 Stowage Reconfiguration
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT2) Exam