AstroRad Vest: A crewmember donned the AstroRad vest during Cargo transfer operations and completed a survey. The AstroRad vest is a personal protective equipment (PPE) device which functions as a radiation shield for astronauts. The AstroRad shields astronauts from space-borne ionizing radiation in an efficient way, provides operational simplification, and allows for the use of recycled material on-board the vehicle. The concept behind the AstroRad evolved from a commercially available device, the 360 Gamma shield, made by StemRad Ltd., which is an effective wearable shield for first responders to radiation incidents on the Earth.
EPM (European Physiology Modules): The crew removed and replaced the EPM Science Module Support Computer (SMSC). The EPM is designed to investigate the effects of short- and long-duration space flight on the human body. It includes equipment for neuroscientific, cardiovascular, and physiological studies.
Asian Herb in Space: The crew refilled water into the Plant Chamber and observed the Asian Herb plants for any change in status. Microgravity affects the growth of plants and understanding the nature of these changes is important for future missions that will rely on plants for food. Asian Herb in Space studies fast-growing plants used for traditional medicine and flavoring food, examining differences in their aroma that may result from microgravity-related cellular changes. This investigation benefits future plant growth efforts in space, and provides new information on the formation of aroma compounds in common herbs.
CBEF-L (Cell Biology Experiment Facility-L): The crew reconfigured the CBEF-ALT Ethernet cable. CBEF-L is a Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) new subrack facility, which is an upgraded facility of the original CBEF currently aboard the ISS. CBEF-L provides new capabilities with additional new resources such as Full High Definition video interface, Ethernet, 24 VDC power supply, and a larger diameter centrifugal test environment. By using the original CBEF and CBEF-L as one facility for the same experiment, the payload user is provided with an upgraded experimental environment that can handle the processing of more experimental samples for a wider array of experiments.
CIR (Combustion Integrated Rack) Fluids and Combustion Facility: The crew prepared the CIR for the second part of the FOMA Calibration by opening the Manifold Bottle valves. The CIR includes an optics bench, combustion chamber, fuel and oxidizer control, and five different cameras for performing combustion investigations in microgravity.
FIR (Fluids Integrated Rack): The crew removed the failed IPSU-G Image processor drive from the FIR facility. The FIR is a complementary fluid physics research facility designed to host investigations in areas such as colloids, gels, bubbles, wetting and capillary action, and phase changes, including boiling and condensation.
ICF (Industrial Crystals Facility): The crew installed the Single Crystal Growth Chamber (SCGC) into the ICF facility. The ICF is a small chamber that allows crystals to grow over time into large crystals appropriate for use in science labs on Earth. When grown in the microgravity environment of the International Space Station, the crystals are of much higher quality than those currently grown on Earth.
JAXA EPO (Education Payload Operations): A crewmember recorded a video message for the TV news program “News23”. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Public Relations Activity (JAXA EPO) includes conducting cultural activities such as writing reports about and filming video of activities aboard the International Space Station (ISS). These tools can help inform the public about the importance of the ISS, JAXA’s Kibo module, and human spaceflight.
Micro-16: The crew performed Micro-16 sample loading and video imaging using the BioServe Microscope. Loss of muscle mass and strength present a major challenge for astronauts on future long space voyages. Determining Muscle Strength in Space-flown Caenorhabditis elegans (Micro-16) uses this tiny worm to test whether decreased expression of muscle proteins is associated with decreased strength. The research team developed a new device to measure muscle strength in multiple generations of space-reared C. elegans worms and compare that strength to postflight muscle gene expression analyses.
SAMS-II (Space Acceleration Measurement System-II): The SAMS sensors were relocated into the LAB module in support of Industrial Crystal Facility operations. Space Acceleration Measurement System-II (SAMS-II) is an ongoing study of the small forces (vibrations and accelerations) on the International Space Station (ISS) resulting from the operation of hardware, crew activities, dockings and maneuvering. Results generalize the types of vibrations affecting vibration-sensitive experiments and structural life of ISS. Investigators and Structural Analysts seek to better understand the vibration environment on the ISS using SAMS-II data and assessing station loads and dynamics.
Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Preparations: The crew performed several activities in preparation for the ISS Roll Out Solar Array (IROSA) EVA. The crew performed a fitcheck of the EVA bags, tools and both Extravehicular Mobility Units (EMUs) in the Quest Air Lock to simulate the EVA operations. The crew also printed out IROSA Prep EVA cuff pages for their EMU suits to use as a reference during the EVA. Finally, the crew completed configurations of EVA specific tooling. The IROSA Prep EVA (USOS EVA 71) is scheduled for Sunday, February 28th and egress is expected at 5:05 AM CST.
Completed Task List Activities:
- IROSA Prep EVA Procedure Review
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- X2R19 Software Transition Commanding (Day 4 of 4)
- JEMAL Depressurization and Vent
Look Ahead Plan
Saturday, February 27 (GMT 058)
- PBRE Water inspect (NASA)
- M16 USB drive removal (NASA)
- CIR vlv Timer set (NASA)
- ISS HAM powerdowns (NASA)
- EVA Tool Config and Audit
- EVA Equipment Lock Prep
- EVA Procedure Review and Conference
- Cygnus Cargo Ops
- Dragon Hatch Clean
Sunday, February 28 (GMT 059)
- No payload activities
- IROSA Prep EVA (US EVA 71)
- Cygnus Cargo Ops
Monday, March 1 (GMT 060)
- ICF USB remove (NASA)
- RTPCG2 card print (NASA)
- SABL-3 tray insert (NASA)
- AC Touch (NASA)
- RFID Marker Tag install (NASA)
- EKAM Node2 setup and act (Joint)
- EVA Debrief Conference
- EVA and ROBO Procedure Review
- EVA QD Training Review
- OGS Water Sample
- OGS H2 Sensor R&R
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) Gas Bottle Unit (GBU) Replacement
- Terminate SM-AGAT-U55 (2) power bank charging and GoPro setup in ПрК
- RFID Recon Marker Tag Installation
- Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF-ALT) Ethernet cable reconfiguration 2
- JAXA Video Taking Part 5
- Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Tool Configuring
- Asian Herb Watering
- Space Acceleration Measurement System Sensor Relocate
- Solid Combustion Experiment Module (SCEM) Power Cable Connection
- Fluids Integrated Rack Lamp Replacement 2
- FOTOBIOREACTOR. Close-out ops
- PBRE/MSG Water Release Inspection/Cleanup
- IMS audit and photography of FGB flexible container FGB kits
- Eddy Current Meter Stow
- СКПФ1, СКПФ2 dust filter replacement and MRM1 Gas-Liquid Heat Exchanger (ГЖТ) cleaning (ФГБ1ПГО_4_424_1 bag 435-20 (00071061R). Reflect deltas in the IMS)
- Combustion Integrated Rack FOMA Calibration Valve Open
- Scalar DG-3X Battery Charging
- TangoLab s/n 01 Card Troubleshooting
- Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations
- Micro-16 Sample Run
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) ISS Food Intake Tracker (ISS FIT)
- Gather items from NG-15 for EPM SMSMC R&R activities.
- Terminate charging of Scalar DG-3X battery
- EPM Science Module Support Computer (SMSC) Replacement
- Air Lock Fit Check
- Antimicrobial Coatings Touch
- Iceberg Desiccant Swap
- TV conference with the guests of Space Literary Lounge Word and Space
- AstroRad Vest Session and Survey
- IDENTIFIKATSIYA. Copy ИМУ-Ц micro-accelerometer data to laptop
- ISS HAM Service Module Pass Kenwood
- Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Cuff Checklist Print
- PROFILAKTIKA-2. Miograph Set operation test
- Cold Stowage Double Coldbag Icebrick Stow
- Food Acceptability Survey
- Industrial Crystallization Facility (ICF) Single Crystal Growth Chamber (SCGC) Install
- Vacuum cleaning ВД1 and ВД2 air ducts in MRM2
- Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Station Support Computer (SSC) Relocate
- Terminate SM-GLS-U02 (2) power bank charging for GoPro
- Microscope Reposition
- NMS Laptop UltraBay Hard Drive Reseat
- РО-ПрК hatch closure in SM