A First-Time Launch: Chills Up My Spine!

Launch Day! May 11, 2009: Getting Ready for Launch!

This is an awesome day — what an experience!

About 1 ½ hours ago I watched as the crew left their quarters to travel to the launch. WOW!! All of my life I have watched this play out on TV.  It is much more intense in person — I have never felt prouder to be an American. In fact, if I were to be asked to sing the Star Spangled Banner at the moment I would!! 

You can see my video of the crew leaving crew quarters in the Air Stream RV by clicking this link (QuickTime, about 21 MB). Note the entourage!

The Air Stream RV is parked near the exit of the crew quarters; in front of the RV is Kennedy Space Center security.  Just behind the RV is an armored vehicle and an assortment of vehicles follow. A helicopter flies overhead to insure security.  Applause erupts — the crew comes into view. Chills run up my spine and tears fill my eyes — what a moment.  It is beyond me to express the pride I feel in our country, in the NASA workforce and their capability to put humans into space.

Photos will be posted later.

Going out to claim a spot near the countdown clock!!

12 thoughts on “A First-Time Launch: Chills Up My Spine!”


  2. Wow! I wish I could have been there. My little girl watched her first launch today online, and I just want to thank everyone that made this possible. I still cry my eyes out every time!!!
    God Bless the crew, the mission, and NASA!!!

  3. Good afternoon all –

    What a wonderful engineering and science accomplishment!
    Today launch should recieve 5 STARS.

    Excellent media coverage and dynamic onbaord video LIVE downlink.

    My hat is off to all of the staff at NASA and their contractors as well as all Americans that belong to this wonderful space program.

    God Speed NASA

  4. I am so proud to be an American. I watched the launch on the internet, I actually had chills. Good Luck to everyone involved.. God Bless America!!!!!!

  5. Thank you Janet, for bringing this to us. Your words make the images much more intense. 🙂
    David D. 🙂

  6. I watched in my classroom with a few students. I started to cry and all I could do was to clap and ask the Lord to watch over everyone involoved. The coverage online was AWESOME! It made a huge difference especially since my family and I went to Houston last summer…made more sense and was very much more emotional for me.

  7. hello sir, your blog was nice. but i only found the environment before the launch, not after or the moment at the launch. Anyways, was wonderful reading your blog.

  8. The frequency of shuttle missions might make launches seem like “business as usual” and so many people may just glance over the news item. I’ve been following NASA launches since i was a kid watching the Apollo missions. To me every flight is an amazing feat of engineering. I’d Love to be there to see it but it’s a heck of a long way from where i live. Thanks for your post Janet, i feel your emotions!

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