ISS Daily Summary Report – 5/23/2023

Private Astronaut Mission (PAM) Axiom-2 (Ax-2):

ISS Familiarization, Emergency Overview, and On-Orbit Adaptation: The Ax-2 crew completed all their on-orbit handover/ISS familiarization activities with the ISS PAM facilitator. Additionally, the Ax-2 crew completed the Emergency Roles and Responsibility review with the full ISS crew and completed the Emergency On-Board Training (OBT). Emergency response hardware was installed in the Ax-2 Crew Dragon. The Ax-2 crew also had adaptation time today to adjust to life in orbit.


Confocal Space Microscopy (COSMIC): Checkout Samples were removed from the Thermal Container on the COSMIC Microscope and the protection cover was installed in preparation for future Cell Gravisensing-2 operations. COSMIC is a JAXA facility that provides fluorescence images of biological samples aboard the ISS. Confocal microscopy uses spatial filtering techniques to eliminate out-of-focus light or glare in specimens with thicknesses exceeding the immediate plane of focus. With the Confocal Microscope, data can be obtained on the fundamental nature of cellular and tissue structure and functions in real-time.

Electro-static Levitation Furnace (ELF): The ELF furnace cables were reconfigured to allow the ground to perform a software update. The ELF is an experimental facility designed to levitate/melt/solidify materials by containerless processing techniques using the Electrostatic Levitation method. With this facility, thermophysical properties of high temperature melts can be measured, and solidification from deeply undercooled melts can be achieved. The ELF is located in the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Multipurpose Small Payload Rack (MSPR) in the Kibo Module.

Hicari-II: The Hicari-II Sample Cartridge for Run #3 was assembled and installed into the Gradient Heating Furnace (GHF) Sample Cartridge Automatic Exchange Mechanism (SCAM) holder #4. Study of Silicon-Germanium Crystal Growth in Microgravity (Hicari-II) continues work from the Hicari investigation examining the physical properties of Silicon-Germanium (SiGe) crystals. These crystals show promise as a material for making infrared optical lenses and electrical devices, but present challenges including slow growth rate and difficulty controlling impurities. This investigation could help solve those challenges and support development of techniques for growing and using SiGe crystals.

NanoRacks Liquid Fireworks (Ax-2): The Ax-2 crew set up the experiment hardware and video camera and then performed an experiment session by injecting different colored dye and soap into clear containers to create “liquid fireworks”. For the NanoRacks Liquid Fireworks on the Ax-2 PAM, an astronaut demonstrates differences in fluid behavior in space, and students recreate the activity on the ground. Visual tools show how fluids of different viscosities behave differently in microgravity than they do on Earth. NanoRacks Liquid Fireworks is an educational outreach payload targeted for students ages 9 to 18 demonstrating a liquid fireworks investigation in real-time.

Ring-Sheared Drop-Interfacial Bioprocessing of Pharmaceuticals (RSD-IBP): The RSD set screws within the flexible syringe dispensing motor coupler were tightened in order ensure proper connection. The ground verified a good configuration, and Sample 24 was successfully extruded. The ISS RSD module is a containerless liquid system that makes it possible to study protein solutions without the effects of interactions with solid walls. RSD-IBP studies the behavior of high-concentration protein fluids and tests computer models for predicting that behavior. More accurate models could enable production of next-generation medicines for treating cancers and other diseases.

Space Tissue and Regeneration (ST&R) (Ax-2): Experiment hardware was gathered by the Ax-2 crew in preparation for experiment activities later this week. Vascularization of Engineered Liver and Kidney tissue constructs on the ISS, or ST&R, demonstrates approaches to creating human tissues in microgravity. The work examines the mechanisms involved in the overall structure of thick tissues and the development of vascular networks, which are critical to the ability to bioengineer entire organs for transplantation. Creating organ tissue could provide a bridge to transplantation and ultimately help address the shortage of donor organs.

Stellar Stem Cells (Ax-2): The crew retrieved the reagent bags out of Polar 5, and two of the four culture plates were seeded. The second set will be placed back in cold stowage and processed at a later date. This marks the beginning of the multi-day experiment session. Establishing In-Space Production of Stem Cell Therapies (Stellar Stem Cells) evaluates the impact of gravity on terrestrial methods used to generate, proliferate, and differentiate stem cells into a variety of tissue types. Insight into stem cell growth in space may help address the challenges that currently limit using these cells as therapies in regenerative medicine.


Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Recycle Tank Drain/Fill: The crew set up the drain of the installed Recycle Tank to the Brine ЕДВ using the Brine Processor Transfer Hose. After setup, the ground team initiated the drain using the Urine Transfer System (UTS). Following that, the crew terminated the drain of the installed Recycle Tank to the Brine ЕДВ, then repositioned the fill/drain valve to fill. In the next step of the process, the crew swapped the ЕДВ in the offload ЕДВ spot of the UTS. Finally, the crew configured the Urine Processor Assembly (UPA) Fill Drain Valve for UPA processing. The UPA, part of the Regenerative ECLSS System, produces distillate from a mixture of pretreated urine, urine flush water, and Crew Health Care System (CHeCS) wastewater.

Completed Task List Activities:


Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • PRO LSG Facility Activation Commanding
  • SPS FET FCH Troubleshooting
  • Stellar Stem Cells Seeding Support Operations
  • ECLSS Recycle Tank Drain Support
  • Configure Dragon for Quiescent Operations
  • ARS Node 3 CDRA 6 Half Cycles

Look Ahead Plan

Wednesday, May 24 (GMT 144)

  • Bio Data Samples (Ax-2)
  • Cancer in LEO (Ax-2)
  • Comm Systems (Ax-2)
  • DNA Nano Therapeutics (Ax-2)
  • ICE Cubes Media Set Act (Ax-2)
  • ISS HAM Pass (Ax-2)
  • MIT SkinSuit (Ax-2)
  • Space Tissue and Regen (Ax-2)
  • STELLAR Stem Cells KERMIT Sample Placement (Ax-2)
  • POLAR Desiccant Swap
  • RSD Operations


  • Cargo Transfer in Dragon
  • IFM WHC Pre-Treat Tank R&R
  • EVA Suit IV Review
  • SpX-Crew Dragon Emergency Departure Review
  • ECLSS PEPS Inspection

Thursday, May 25 (GMT 145)

  • AstroPi Lens Removal
  • Bio Data Samples (Ax-2)
  • Cancer in LEO (Ax-2)
  • ISS HAM Pass (Ax-2)
  • NanoRacks Liquid Fireworks (Ax-2)
  • RNA Response (Ax-2)
  • STELLAR Stem Cells (Ax-2)
  • Food Physiology Diet Brief
  • JWRS MSPR closeout
  • NanoRacks MainFrame A Install
  • RSD Operations
  • Standard Measures Pre-Sleep and Saliva prep


  • Cargo Transfer to Dragon
  • HMS Ultrasound 2 Scan

Friday, May 26 (GMT 146)

  • Bio Data Samples (Ax-2)
  • Cancer in LEO (Ax-2)
  • Comm Systems (Ax-2)
  • Cosmic MultiShield (Ax-2)
  • Digital Voice (Ax-2)
  • ISS HAM Pass (Ax-2)
  • MIT SkinSuit (Ax-2)
  • RNA Response (Ax-2)
  • STELLAR Stem Cells (Ax-2)
  • ISS Ham Pass
  • Standard Measures Saliva Collect and PostSleep


  • JEM WIS Environmental Monitor RSU Battery R&R
  • POC DOUG Software Review
  • SSC Imagery Transfer Troubleshooting
  • Dragon Docking System Cleaning
  • SpaceX-28 Dragon Rendezvous Review CBT

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • Handover with PAM Crew
  • LSG Work Volume Deploy
  • ELF Software Upload Cable Connection/Disconnection
  • Stellar Stem Cells Hardware Gather and SABL Insert
  • GHF HICARI2 Cartridge Assembling and Installation
  • SpX-CREW DRAGON – Emergency Departure Review
  • PAO Event – Lab
  • Microscope Closeout
  • OOHA with Kuduwave Software Setup and Test
  • Ring-Sheared Drop Coupling Tighten
  • ECLSS Recycle Tank Drain and Fill
  • [Aborted] EBOT File Transfer Initiate/Terminate
  • Emergency Equipment Transfer
  • Stellar Stem Cells Seeding Operations
  • [Aborted] Stellar Stem Cells MELFI Sample Retrieve, Thaw and Insert Ops
  • EVA SSC Connect
  • WHC Manual Fill Initiate/Terminate
  • Emergency Roles and Responsibilities Review
  • OBT ISS Emergency Hardware Familiarization
  • LSG Primary Crew Restraint Fold/Unfold
  • KERMIT SAMS TSH Relocate to EXPRESS Rack 6
  • USOS Window Shutter Close