This week is the second TEDxNASA conference at the NASA/Langley Research Center (LaRC). They have been leading the agency in creating these outstanding and innovative conferences to bring together various perspectives. I would definitely encourage anyone that is familiar with TED events to take a look at the videos from last year’s TedxNASA Space to Create. You will definitely enjoy the talks. Additionally on November 20th, NASA/LaRC and NASA/Johnson Space Center will be hosting events in support of TEDxYouthDay. Held on Universal Children’s Day – “TEDx organizers across the globe will host events for (and by) young people. These events will vary widely in size, format and theme, but they will share a common vision: inspiring curiosity, igniting new ideas, empowering young leaders.” So as I thought about bringing together the worlds of technology, entertainment and design I am reminded of an experiment that we are trying at JSC. Two months ago we asked Pat Rawlings to help bring together the world of technology and entertainment in looking at a possible future for the Johnson Space Center. He combined his insights on technology trends with a graphic novel format to describe what the future might look like at the 100th anniversary of the lunar landing. In his depiction of the future he introduces the Butterfly Effect Environmental Software (B.E.E.S) that used massive amounts of data to better predict the weather and other events. If you are curious about what this might look like I would recommend that you look at the external posting of the JSC 2069 story. When I reflected on the TED activities, what struck me more than our story about the possibilities was the reality that was recently announced by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). They introduced a new facility with a “state-of-the-art supercomputer to give NOAA a powerful new tool in climate and weather modeling”. It is reminiscent of Jules Verne and submarines or da Vinci and airplanes. When you combine technology and the arts (left and right sides of the brain) new realities are possible. Of course the JSC 2069 story did not result in NOAA’s announcement, but like Jules Verne it opens up the possibilities for future applications of a nascent technology/capability. Therefore, I applaud the team at Langley for pushing to bring together the different world views from technology, entertainment and design. I can’t wait to see the possibilities that will emerge from the discussions. Sharing the Vision, Steven González, Deputy, Advanced Planning Office