Ron: “Hi, I just wanted to give you a view of this spaceship that we call Earth – the spaceship that we are all crewmembers of, on traveling through the Universe. This webcam really doesn’t do the view justice – I’ll try to do this again with an HD camera, but that won’t do it justice either. It’s just incredibly beautiful. I want to tell you a little bit more about it. But, before I do, let me put this webcam back on the computer so I can talk.
It is very difficult to look at our beautiful Earth from space without being moved in some way. One of the main goals of Fragile Oasis is to share this orbital perspective – to share this view that we are all in this together – that we are all interconnected and through this perspective, inspire people to go out and make a difference – to go out and somehow make life better for those with whom they share this fragile oasis.
Looking at our beautiful Earth, we are faced with a sobering contradiction. On the one hand, we see this incredibly beautiful fragile oasis. But hidden behind this beautiful view are the unfortunate realities that face many of the inhabitants of our planet. Those that don’t have enough food to eat, clean water to drink, and face poverty and conflict.
The Fragile Oasis community was established to unite crewmembers on our Spaceship Earth in the common goal of sharing our humanity and improving our world. The purpose of the community is to inspire, recognize, and help each other in our collective quest to make life better on our planet.
I want to encourage everyone to join the Fragile Oasis community of people and organizations that are improving our Fragile Oasis. By becoming part of the Fragile Oasis community, you are acknowledging that you desire to make a positive impact on our world and that you wish to leave it a little better than you found it.
In the
Projects section of Fragile Oasis,we have modeled specific challenges that face our world with the life support systems of a spaceship like the International Space Station. That is, systems to provide clean air, water, food, communications, etc. We want to use those categories to not focus on the problems of the world but highlight how the challenges facing our world are being solved by amazing people and organizations. [Editor’s note: the ten project categories are:
Community, Communication, Education, Energy, Environment, Food, Health, Peace, Research, Water]
By becoming a Fragile Oasis Crewmember, you will be able to nominate and vote on projects that you believe are making the world a better place. You can encourage those that you feel are making a difference and receive encouragement from others. You can discover people and organizations with similar goals and interests and get involved with beneficial projects. Above all, you can help inspire others to make a difference.
Once a year, we will present an award to the people or organizations that have made the largest positive impact on the world in the areas of Humanitarian Service, Education, and Peace.
We will announce the first winners this September, and they will be presented with these medals that have flown onboard the International Space Station. As a Fragile Oasis crewmember, you will be able to help us select those deserving of those awards.
Please help us spread the word about Fragile Oasis and help us to use the orbital perspective to improve life on Earth.”
Here’s how to sign up.