JAXA MHU-5 (JAXA Mouse Habitat Unit-5): The crew performed routine mouse habitat maintenance activities for the continuing Mouse Mission-5 investigation. JAXA Mouse Habitat Unit-5 (MHU-5) examines the effects of partial G on mice using the JAXA-developed mouse habitat cage units (HCU) that can be installed in the newly developed Centrifuge-equipped Biological Experiment Facility-L (CBEF-L) on the ISS. Stress caused by partial G may alter gene expression in cells of the body. The investigation analyzes any such alterations and their possible effects on development of germ cells, which carry genetic information and expression to subsequent generations.
Vascular Echo: A crewmember donned the blood pressure cuff and initiated a measurement session whereupon readings are taken at the top of the hour during a 13 hour period. Cardiac and Vessel Structure and Function with Long-Duration Space Flight and Recovery (Vascular Echo) examines changes in blood vessels, and the heart, while the crew members are in space, and then follow their recovery on return to Earth. The results could provide insight into potential countermeasures to help maintain crewmember health, and quality of life for everyone.
Veggie PONDS Validation: The crew refilled the water reservoirs for the Veggie Ponds modules. Organisms grow differently in space, from single-celled bacteria to plants and humans. Future long-duration space missions will require crew members to grow their own food. Therefore, understanding how plants respond to microgravity and demonstrating the reliable vegetable production on orbit are important steps toward that goal. Veggie PONDS uses a newly developed passive nutrient delivery system and the Veggie plant growth facility aboard the ISS to cultivate lettuce and mizuna greens which are to be harvested on-orbit, and consumed, with samples returned to Earth for analysis.
SpaceX-20 (SpX-20) Dragon Cargo Operations: This week, the crew continues to perform Dragon cargo operations in preparation for Dragon departure on April 6, 2020.
Completed Task List Activities:
- SpX-20 Cargo Operations (ongoing)
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Veggie Ponds Reservoir Fill
- HRF Rack 2 Rack Commanding
- Dragon Cargo Ops Support
Look Ahead Plan
Tuesday, 3/31 (GMT 091)
- AstroPi SD card installs (ESA)
- Vascular Echo Blood Pressure 13hr Conclusion (CSA)
- Probiotics Saliva item gather (JAXA)
- MHU5- Transportation Cage Unit Preparation (JAXA)
- Standard Measures Post Sleep Questionnaire (NASA)
- Crew Departure Preparations for Return to Earth
- Crew Arrival Preparations
- Cargo Transfer to Dragon
- LAB Artificial Vision Unit (AVU) Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Swap
- Test of TV downlink via Ku-band before 62S docking
- Laptop RS1, 2, 3, SW upgrade
Wednesday, 4/1 (GMT 092)
- Probiotics Saliva Collect and Questionnaire (JAXA)
- MHU5 Transportation Cage Unit Spare Cage Installation (JAXA)
- CGBA4 Status Chk (NASA)
- Food Acceptability (NASA)
- Fluid Shifts Eye Baseline Imaging (NASA)
- JOTI Removal from JEM Airlock (NASA)
- NanoRacks Adidas Shoes Imagery (NASA)
- NanoRacks Module-09 Ops 4 (Quinoa growth in space (NASA)
- NanoRacks Module-51 Status 4 check (NASA)
- Cargo Transfer to Dragon
- Life Support Rack Hose Reconfiguration
- WPA Sample Collect
- SODF Deploy
- Conference of Russian specialists for returning crew
- Relocation of the ТЗК
Thursday, 4/2 (GMT 093)
- Engineered Heart Tissue Media Change and Fixation (NASA)
- Food Physiology Briefing (NASA)
- MUSES Server Vent Cleaning (NASA)
- Mobile SpaceLab Stow (NASA)
- Food Acceptability Survey (NASA)
- Express locker into Dragon installation (NASA)
- VEGGIE PONDS – Germination Cap removal (NASA)
- Crew Departure Preparations for Return to Earth
- Dragon Lithium Hydroxide (LiOH) Filter Bag Installation
- Dragon Release and Departure Review OBT
- COL1D2/Bay R&O Ops
- SSC SP Queso R&O Ops
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Auxiliary Laptop Computer System Anti-Virus Software Update
- CSA Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection 25 Minutes Subject
- CSA Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Operator
- Vascular Echo 13-Hour Blood Pressure Monitoring Initialization
- CSA Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Configuration
- CSA Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Spin Conclude
- CSA Generic MELFI Sample Insertion
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Periodic Health Status (PHS) Evaluation Setup
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Periodic Health Status (PHS) Evaluation – Subject
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Periodic Health Status (PHS) Evaluation – Crew Medical Officer (CMO)
- On MCC GO Р-16 Dosimeter Power Off.
- On MCC GO Demating Р-16 dosimeter telemetry connector.
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Periodic Health Status (PHS) Stow Hardware
- Р-16 Closeout Ops
- Veggie Ponds Reservoir Fill
- CSA Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Conclude And Stow
- СТТС Configuration for MRM1
- SEPARATION. [СРВ-У-РС] Urine Water Regeneration System Distiller Recovery.
- Comm reconfig for nominal ops
- Columbus Payload Power Switching Box (PPSB) reconfiguration
- Cargo Transfer to Dragon
- Polar Desiccant Swap in Cygnus
- Hardware prepack for return and disposal via Soyuz 744
- PAO Preparation
- Vacuum Cleaning of Dust collectors ПC1, ПС2 filter cartridges in FGB (panels 203, 403)
- Public Affairs Office (PAO) High Definition (HD) Config JEM Setup
- Cleaning vent screens on FGB interior panels (panels 116, 316, 231, 431)
- Public Affairs Office (PAO) Event in High Definition (HD) – JEM
- TERMINATOR. Removal from window and closeout ops with Terminator-Nadir PL.
- Vascular Echo 13-Hour Blood Pressure Monitoring Crew Time Payback
- Standard Measures Pre-sleep Questionnaire
- Exercise Data Downlink via OCA