The Sunrise From Space – Rio de Janeiro to Buenos Aires August 27, 2011

The Sunrise From Space – Rio de Janeiro to Buenos Aires 
August 27, 2011

Update 8/26/11: The Eastern time zone in the U.S. had the most mentions as of the cutoff of 8:00am Friday, August 26, 2011. But, with #Irene a factor along the U.S. east coast, we’ll need a rain (hurricane) check on that! 
GMT-3 was in a close second place. Beginning at 09:28 GMT, Saturday, August 27, 2011, Ron will point his HD camera at the rising sun as the International Space Station flies along a path between Rio de Janeiro in Brazil & Buenos Aires in Argentina. Thank you all for the many, many Tweets! 
Editor’s Note: On Saturday, August 27, 2011, Ron Garan will point an HD camera out a window of the International Space Station Cupolato film one of the sixteen sunrises he sees each day, and then describe it for all of us on Earth.  Which sunrise is up to YOU.
How’s that work?  Simply Retweet the following between now and 8:00am Eastern Time, Friday, August 26th:
@Astro_Ron: Share a sunrise w/ the #ISS #SunSpace
Be sure to include your location or time zone, and the hashtag #SunSpace!
A sunrise in the location/time zone with the most Tweets will be the one Ron films with his HD camera the next day. 
Sometime during the afternoon of the 26th, Ron will Tweet the “winning” location/timezone. On the 27th, Earth bound humans can share the experience of watching the sunrise with him and with each other, then compare notes. Here’s what Ron has to say:

Borders From Space

I have always said, “you can’t see any borders from space.” Apparently I was wrong.
On the evening of August 17, 2011, I “flew” to the Cupola of the International Space Station to shoot some photographs for a time-lapse photography project I have been working on for Fragile Oasis. 
Before beginning the sequence, I took some practice shots to verify camera settings. As I was about to delete them, something caught my eye. In one of the pictures, a very obvious illuminated line snaked across a large landmass for hundreds of miles. 
Initially, I wrote it off as a strange exposure from moonlight reflecting on a river. But, I was intrigued and did some investigating, only to learn this was not a natural reflection at all. Rather, it is a man-made border between India and Pakistan to control passage between the two countries.
Realizing what this picture depicted had a big impact on me. When viewed from space, Earth almost always looks beautiful and peaceful. However, this picture is an example of man-made changes to the landscape in response to a threat, clearly visible from space.  This was a big surprise to me. 
Since the beginning of human spaceflight fifty years ago, astronauts have reflected on how peaceful, beautiful, and fragile the Earth looks from space. These reflections are not clichés that astronauts say because it feels good. It is truly moving to look at the Earth from space.
The point is not that we can look down at the Earth and see a man-made border between India and Pakistan. The point is that we can look down at that same area and feel empathy for the struggles that all people face. We can look down and realize that we are all riding through the Universe together on this spaceship we call Earth, that we are all interconnected, that we are all in this together, that we are all family.
When we look down at the Earth, we are faced with a sobering contradiction. On the one hand we can clearly see the indescribable beauty of the planet we have been given. On the other hand is the unfortunate reality of life on our beautiful planet for a significant portion of its inhabitants.
It saddens me and compels me to action when I realize that we have the resources and technology to overcome almost all of the challenges facing our planet, yet nearly 2 billion people do not have access to clean water, countless go to bed hungry every night, and many die from preventable and curable diseases.
I believe that we live in a world where the possibilities are limited only by our imagination and our will to act.  It is within our power to eliminate the suffering and poverty that exist on our planet. 
The answer is quite simple – just do something.  The challenges of the world are really about how each of us individually responds to them.  In other words, to what extent does humanity, on a person-to-person basis, commit to making a positive difference, no matter how small, or how big?
The vision for Fragile Oasis is to be a vehicle to effect real change. We want to provide a means for people and organizations to collaborate and develop synergy toward overcoming our planet’s challenges. We want to encourage people to make a difference, and we want to help organizations that are striving to make the world a better place reach their goals.
In short, the goal of Fragile Oasis is to help reduce that sobering contradiction that we see when we look at the Earth. We want to assist those that are striving to improve life on Earth so that it is not only visibly beautiful, but life is beautiful for all. 

The Fruits of Labor – From Earth to Space

I want to take a moment to thank everyone who has submitted a project to the Fragile Oasis community. 
The vision for Fragile Oasis is for it to become a vehicle to effect real change. We want to provide a means for people and organizations to collaborate and develop synergy toward overcoming our planet’s challenges. We want to encourage people to make a difference, and to help organizations that are striving to make the world a better place reach their goals.
I have been very impressed with the projects that have already been submitted.  But, in this post, I’d like to highlight a project that I have been involved with personally.  The members of the  Johnson Space Center Chapter of Engineers Without Borders (JSC-EWB) have been volunteering their time for several years to develop a fruit dryer for the L‘Esperance Children’s Aid Orphanage in Rwanda.
Several JSC-EWB members with dried fruit – (left to right) Angela Cason, Tom Bryan, Jake Garan, Matthew Fiedler, Tyler-Blair Sheppard, Lauren Cordova.  Not pictured is Samantha Snabes.
L’Esperance is near and dear to my heart. I visited the orphanage in 2006 during a trip to the area with the humanitarian organization Manna Energy Foundation. I founded Manna in 2005 outside of my work with NASA and it has no affiliation with my “day job.”
The orphanage director, Victor Monroy, is committed to developing L’Esperance into a financially self-sufficient community that can also provide employment to the orphans when they reach adulthood. One of the ways they are doing this is to grow fruit on the orphanage grounds, and staffing the orchards with adult community members, who were orphaned in childhood themselves.
The orphanage plans to produce up to 18,000 kg per year of wet, cored peeled pineapple, 16000kg/year of guava, and 24,000 kg of wet, peeled, sliced mango. While some of the fruit feeds the children and staff of the orphanage, the goal is to dry most of the fruit to sell at market, producing a source of income from just under five metric tons of organically-grown, sustainably-dried premium snack food per year, and perhaps 50,000 jars of mango preserves.  As I write this, members of the JSC-EWB are at the orphanage installing the first prototype solar fruit drying systems.
Besides the solar dryer, the team is investigating kitchen waste heat, dedicated wood stoves, and biogas as potential sustainable heat sources for the many months in Rwanda when sunlight is insufficient to dry the fruit.  This trip will help to characterize the overall systems engineering of the project, and build expertise with fruit preparation, handling, and storage issues at the orphanage.
As the team prepared to leave Houston for Rwanda, they ran their prototype solar fruit dryer through a test program which produced some great dried fruit. The team was kind enough to send me a sample of dried pineapple on the Progress Cargo ship which docked to the International Space Station in June. It’s great to have this tasty fruit up here as a reminder of this great project, and the hard work of all the team members to improve the lives of those at the orphanage.
Keep submitting those great projects to Fragile Oasis!

Music From Your Space Station

Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions to my on-orbit playlist through my blogs, via Email, Twitter and Facebook. I attempted to put as many of your suggestions as possible into my “Fragile Oasis” list.
As discussed in an earlier post, music is important to feeling connected to life on Earth. The environment onboard the International Space Station is very sterile.  Pumps and fans are the only sounds, and it’s possible to start feeling disconnected. 
I have found myself at times missing the sounds, smells and feel of life on Earth that I may have on some level taken for granted. Music gives us a real connection with home. And, when the sound of pumps and fans is replaced with great music, we feel closer to what — and who — we hold dear on our planet.  Listening to beautiful music while orbiting our beautiful fragile oasis at 17,500 miles per hour is a wonderfully surreal experience.
 This is my Fragile Oasis playlist for you to download (PDF document) – you suggested so many of the songs. I thank YOU and my family, who also provided suggestions, for helping me to stay connected with life on Earth, 

San Francisco Stopover

“Thanks to my dear friend and amazing guitar player, Davy Knowles, I was introduced to Astronaut Ron Garan presently on the International Space Station. I spoke with Ron first via email and then by PHONE ……. from space?!!  I got this idea of having Ron being visually and audibly with us on a screen from space on a screen behind us on stage. Ron and  NASA  were really into the idea. So, in San Francisco at the Warfield Theater we put it all together. Here’s how it looked. Thanks to Ron Garan and NASA for making this a moment I will never forget.” 
— Peter Frampton 
Peter, thanks for setting that up. It was great fun! And, it was surreal listening to “Float” while floating onboard the International Space Station.  
Thank you for your music, 

In the Spirit of Yuri's Night – Thank you #FromSpace

Originally posted at

I accept this (Spirit of Yuri’s Night) award on behalf of everyone who is striving to use space exploration to contribute to the future of humanity on earth and in space, and the people involved with our efforts at Fragile Oasis to use the orbital perspective to help inspire people to make a positive difference on our planet.
[Editor’s note: Ron was honored with the 2011 “Spirit of Yuri’s Night” award by Yuri’s Night, the global celebration of the  history, present, and future of human spaceflight.  Learn more here.]

Join The Fragile Oasis Community: Make A Difference

Ron: “Hi, I just wanted to give you a view of this spaceship that we call Earth – the spaceship that we are all crewmembers of,  on traveling through the Universe. This webcam really doesn’t do the view justice – I’ll try to do this again with an HD camera, but that won’t do it justice either. It’s just incredibly beautiful. I want to tell you a little bit more about it. But, before I do, let me put this webcam back on the computer so I can talk. 
It is very difficult to look at our beautiful Earth from space without being moved in some way. One of the main goals of Fragile Oasis is to share this orbital perspective – to share this view that we are all  in this together –  that we are all interconnected and through this perspective,  inspire people to go out and make a difference – to go out and somehow make life better for those with whom they share this fragile oasis. 
Looking at our beautiful Earth, we are faced with a sobering contradiction. On the one hand, we see this incredibly beautiful fragile oasis. But hidden behind this beautiful view are the unfortunate realities that face many of the inhabitants of our planet. Those that don’t have enough food to eat, clean water to drink, and face poverty and conflict. 
The Fragile Oasis community was established to unite crewmembers on our Spaceship Earth in the common goal of sharing our humanity and improving our world. The purpose of the community is to inspire, recognize, and help each other in our collective quest to make life better on our planet.
I want to encourage everyone to join the Fragile Oasis community of people and organizations that are improving our Fragile Oasis. By becoming part of the Fragile Oasis community, you are acknowledging that you desire to make a positive impact on our world and that you wish to leave it a little better than you found it.
In the Projects section of Fragile Oasis,we have modeled specific challenges that face our world with the life support systems of a spaceship like the International Space Station. That is, systems to provide clean air, water, food, communications, etc. We want to use those categories to not focus on the problems of the world but highlight how the challenges facing our world are being solved by amazing people and organizations. [Editor’s note: the ten project categories are: Community, Communication, Education, Energy, Environment, Food, Health, Peace, Research, Water]
By becoming  a Fragile Oasis Crewmember, you will be able to nominate and vote on projects that you believe are making the world a better place. You can encourage those that you feel are making a difference and receive encouragement from others. You can discover people and organizations with similar goals and interests and get involved with beneficial projects. Above all, you can help inspire others to make a difference.
Once a year, we will present an award to the people or organizations that have made the largest positive impact on the world in the areas of Humanitarian Service, Education, and Peace. 
We will announce the first winners this September, and they will be presented with these medals that have flown onboard the International Space Station. As a Fragile Oasis crewmember, you will be able to help us select those deserving of those awards.
Please help us spread the word about Fragile Oasis and help us to use the orbital perspective to improve life on Earth.” Here’s how to sign up.