I always enjoy reading about these seemingly small accomplishments. It seems like it would be no big deal to flash the ISS with a laser, but there is much to take into account.
This is cool. Now I want to see a photo of the station taken through a scope. Next time you go outside you should put up a sign to say hello.
i never knew the reasons why that would be challenging however i always knew it was never as simple as just pointing a laser
ISS, Sir accomplished sir Russia. FOD in reeves?bi me. regards.
What wonderful blogs i have been reading!! i have only received three so far and can’t wait for more. i have always enjoyed watching Alpha racing across the evening skies but mostly when she flew in tandum with the shuttle. I always wished it would last longer than mere minutes. thank you for the blogs to my email.
Judy Daub Age 66 and still in love with night!!!
quiero conocer la nasa y trabajar alli.
All stars are very mysterious to me, the history of science is to continue moving forward, exploring the stars are constantly forward..Thank you for this worthwhile information I must post a link on my blog so my associates can benefit from it also.
Fantastic images, thanks so very much for sharing them. Cheers!
is there some way to clean debris from earths orbit? Seems to me it isa
Beautiful job!!! Thanx for sharing you’re experiences & those intriguing pix!
Only wish to thank you for another great post. Can you tell me where can I find any more info on this topic? I think that\’s the proper approach to this problem.
I always enjoy reading about these seemingly small accomplishments. It seems like it would be no big deal to flash the ISS with a laser, but there is much to take into account.
This is cool. Now I want to see a photo of the station taken through a scope. Next time you go outside you should put up a sign to say hello.
i never knew the reasons why that would be challenging however i always knew it was never as simple as just pointing a laser
Sir accomplished sir Russia.
FOD in reeves?bi me.
What wonderful blogs i have been reading!! i have only received three so far and can’t wait for more. i have always enjoyed watching Alpha racing across the evening skies but mostly when she flew in tandum with the shuttle. I always wished it would last longer than mere minutes. thank you for the blogs to my email.
Judy Daub
Age 66 and still in love with night!!!
quiero conocer la nasa
y trabajar alli.
All stars are very mysterious to me, the history of science is to continue moving forward, exploring the stars are constantly forward..Thank you for this worthwhile information I must post a link on my blog so my associates can benefit from it also.
Fantastic images, thanks so very much for sharing them.
is there some way to clean debris from earths orbit? Seems to me it isa
Beautiful job!!! Thanx for sharing you’re experiences & those intriguing pix!
Only wish to thank you for another great post. Can you tell me where can I find any more info on this topic? I think that\’s the proper approach to this problem.