Disability Etiquette Video: Non-Obvious Disabilities

According to the Centers for Disease Control, nearly 50% of Americans have some form of chronic medical condition. Often, these conditions are not readily apparent, and a lack of awareness can lead to misunderstandings in the workplace.

A training video available from the Federal Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP) provides guidance on interacting with individuals who have non-obvious disabilities. CAP (http://www.cap.mil/) provides assistive technology and services free of charge to DoD and civil service customers with hearing, visual, dexterity, cognitive, and communication impairments to make their work environments more accessible.

To access the CAP video:(http://www.cap.mil/NewsEvents/TrainingVideo.aspx?enc=67OWaA2nH+T8tEnNwvkLGg== ).

For questions about NASA Reasonable Accommodations process, please contact NASA Disability Program Manager Rebecca Doroshenk at 202-358-0038 or Rebecca.D.Doroshenk@nasa.gov.