Actiwatch-Plus (AWP): The crew connected the AWP devices to a Human Research Facility (HRF) rack Universal Serial Bus (USB) hub to charge them and transfer data for subsequent downlink. The Actiwatch-Plus is a waterproof, non-intrusive, sleep-wake activity monitor worn on the wrist of a crewmember and contains a miniature uniaxial accelerometer that produces a signal as the subject moves. The data is stored in non-volatile memory within the Actiwatch until they are downloaded for analysis.
ISS Ham Radio: An ISS Ham pass was initiated with Norwich Free Academy, Norwich, CT., USA. Since the earliest space station expeditions, ISS Ham Radio has allowed groups of students in schools, camps, museums, and planetariums to hold a conversation with the people living in space. As the ISS passes overhead, students have about nine minutes to ask crew members 10 to 20 questions.
Plant Habitat-03A: Seed Bags (Qty: 4) were installed into the Plant Habitat Facility and photos of each quadrant of the Science Carrier and of the final configuration of the Science Carrier inside the Growth Chamber were taken. Plants exposed to environmental stress, including spaceflight, undergo epigenetic changes that involve adding extra information to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) rather than changing existing information. Epigenetic Adaptation to the Spaceflight Environment – Accumulated Genomic Change Induced by Generations in Space (Plant Habitat-03) assesses whether epigenetic adaptations in one generation of plants grown in space can transfer to the next generation. This could help identify genetic elements that increase the adaptability of plants to spaceflight, a first step toward developing cultivars better suited to provide food and air and water purification in life support systems on future space missions.
Solid Fuel Ignition and Extinction (SoFIE): SOFIE experiment samples and igniter tip were replaced. SoFIE is a hardware insert for the Combustion Integrated Rack (CIR) that enables a wide range of solid-material combustion and fire suppression studies, providing common infrastructure including sample holders, flow control, test sections, external radiant heaters, igniters, and diagnostics for multiple investigations. While SoFIE initially meets the requirements of five investigations, it is intended for use by any researchers who propose related solid combustion studies to NASA in the future.
Veg-05: The plants growing in the two Veggie facilities were inspected, watered if necessary, and photographed. The Pick-and-Eat Salad-Crop Productivity, Nutritional Value, and Acceptability to Supplement the ISS Food System (Veg-05) investigation is the next step in efforts to address the need for a continuous fresh-food production system in space.
Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Preparation Activities: In preparation for the ISS Roll Out Solar Array (IROSA) Prep 1A Troubleshooting EVA later this week, reviews of the Portable Onboard Computers (POC) Dynamic Computers Ubiquitous Graphics (DOUG) Software, the upcoming EVA briefing, timeline, and tool configuration were performed. The crew also completed familiarization of the EVA ISS Power Augmentation Modification Kit (MODKIT) and an EVA Procedure Conference. Lastly, the Metal Oxide (METOX) cartridge regeneration was initiated.
Video Distribution System Survey of MRM-1 Soyuz: Ground operators configured the Video Distribution System for one External High Definition Camera (EHDC) view and performed a day pass survey of the MRM-1 docked Soyuz. This survey was completed as part of an anomaly investigation following an external thermal control loop leak that occurred on the 68 Soyuz in December.
Completed Task List Activities:
- None
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Video Distribution System Survey of MRM-1 Soyuz
- SSRMS IPA Grapple/Unstow
- MSS Maneuver to Park
- EHDC Checkout
Look Ahead Plan
Tuesday, January 31 (GMT 031)
- ADSEP Cassette Removal and Photo
- BCM ROBoT Test
- BioLab TCU Clean
- BioFabrication Facility Install
- Fluidics HDD Connect
- LSG Cleanup
- Particle Vibration Mix
- Repository Blood and Urine Collect
- Sphere Camera-1 SSD Insert
- EVA Tool Config
- Columbus Return Grid Sensor Housing Internal Cleaning
- Inspection of the Columbus PPRA and CDA valves
- Light Installation AT JPM1OA5
- AC Dry Vacuum Cleaner Hose, Debris Bag R&R
- CMS ARED Quarterly Inspection
- EMU Cuff Checklist Incorporation
- EMU Resize/Swap
- REBA Hardware Powered Checkout
Wednesday, February 1 (GMT 032)
- ADSEP Cassette Removal
- BioFabrication Cassette Removal and Glovebag Install
- Fluidics HDD Disconnect
- Repository Blood and Urine Collect
- Sphere Camera – Lab
- Veg-05 Check
- Equipment Lock Prep
- EVA Tool Config/Audit
- EVA Procedure Review/Conference
Thursday, February 2 (GMT 033)
- Repository Blood and Urine Collect
- IROSA Prep 1A Troubleshooting EVA
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- POC DOUG Software Review
- Mission Data Recorder Laptop Configuration Portable 4TB HDD R&R
- JEM PROX 3 Visual Inspection
- EVA Procedure Review
- Robotic Workstation (RWS) Setup
- Solid Fuel Ignition and Extinction GEL Hardware Replacement
- Plant Habitat-03A Procedure Review
- EVA ISS Power Augmentation MODKIT Familiarization
- Plant Habitat-03A Seed Bag Installation
- EVA Procedure Conference
- Actiwatch Plus HRF Rack 1 Setup/Stow
- Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations
- VEG-05 Plant Check/Water
- Public Affairs Office (PAO) Event in JEM
- Columbus stowage video audit
- ISS HAM Columbus Pass Kenwood
- METOX Regeneration Initiation