Upcoming Shows and NE@ Segments

It’s been a while since we published a new post…

It’s been a while since we published a new post.  Blair has been studying for his NASA 101 exam the past few weeks.  I thought I would share some pictures with you on future show topics.  I don’t want to give too much away, but check these pics out.

The NASA EDGE Crew with Endeavour in the background.  Credit: Don Morrision

Chris and Blair taking a ride on the M113
Chris and Blair go for a ride in the M113 behind pad 39B. Credit: Don Morrison

Shaun White practices on vert at X Games 2007.
Shaun White practices on vert at X Games 2007.  Blair is in medianaut training and learning from the pros. Credit: Don Morrison

The Space Power Facility at NASAs Plum Brook Station, OH
Chris, Dick, and Blair inside the Space Power Facility at NASA’s Plum Brook Station, OH.  This is the largest vacuum chamber in the world.  Credit: Ron Beard, Set Therapist

So there you have it.  A sneak peak at what’s to come.  Hopefully Blair will pass his exam and achieve insider status.  It’s starting to get old escorting him around to all these facilities.

All the best,


NASA EDGE on Facebook and MySpace

NASA EDGE now has a Facebook and MySpace page…

NASA EDGE now has a Facebook and MySpace page.  We already have many friends on our site and we continue to add more daily.  It’s great to meet new people who have a strong interest in NASA and space exploration.  I am new to the Facebook and MySpace world but my goofy co-host and marketing director seem to be on top of things.  If you have any advice on how a digital immigrant (host) can turn into a digital native (younger generation) then please pass the advice along.


NASA EDGE on Facebook and MySpace

NASA EDGE now has a Facebook and MySpace page…

NASA EDGE now has a Facebook and MySpace page.  We already have many friends on our site and we continue to add more daily.  It’s great to meet new people who have a strong interest in NASA and space exploration.  I am new to the Facebook and MySpace world but my goofy co-host and marketing director seem to be on top of things.  If you have any advice on how a digital immigrant (host) can turn into a digital native (younger generation) then please pass the advice along.


NE@The Gantry

NASA EDGE has launch a new feature called NE@…

NASA EDGE has launch a new feature called NE@.  These short segments will take a quick look at the exciting research and testing taking place at NASA.  The first short segment, NE@The Gantry takes an inside look at an airbag test for the orion crew module. 

The team at NASA EDGE would like to hear your feedback on this new feature.  The plan is to produce a NE@ in between each new show.  Actually the reason why we are doing this is so that Blair can get the NASA 101 diploma much faster.


NE@The Gantry

NASA EDGE has launch a new feature called NE@…

NASA EDGE has launch a new feature called NE@.  These short segments will take a quick look at the exciting research and testing taking place at NASA.  The first short segment, NE@The Gantry takes an inside look at an airbag test for the orion crew module. 

The team at NASA EDGE would like to hear your feedback on this new feature.  The plan is to produce a NE@ in between each new show.  Actually the reason why we are doing this is so that Blair can get the NASA 101 diploma much faster.


NASA EDGE and Genesis II

Blair explores the connection between NASA and Space Tourism

This is my absolute favorite photo from the upper atmosphere. 

I had no idea that the folks at Genesis II were such fans of the show… or of the Co-Host.

NASA EDGE is clearly breaking new ground here.  This is our first official recognition by the space tourism industry.  If they had contacted me, I could have provided them with a photo.  As it stands, I’ll take the name.

So what is Genesis II?  If you’re like me, you probably thought it was a device that turned small moons into planets that sustain life.  As it turns out, that is not the case.  Genesis II is an experimental space habitat launched by Bigelow Aerospace just last week.  Though it is unmanned, it does include pictures and items provided by paying customers as part of their “Fly Your Stuff” program.

The real purpose, however, is to test systems that will be available on future Bigelow projects… ultimately a space hotel. 

So, what does the future hold?  Clearly a front row seat to observe NASA’s missions from the marvelously appointed “Blair” observation pod.  Ok.  That isn’t true, but a Co-Host can dream, can’t he?

The Co-Host

NASA EDGE and Genesis II

Blair explores the connection between NASA and Space Tourism

This is my absolute favorite photo from the upper atmosphere. 

I had no idea that the folks at Genesis II were such fans of the show… or of the Co-Host.

NASA EDGE is clearly breaking new ground here.  This is our first official recognition by the space tourism industry.  If they had contacted me, I could have provided them with a photo.  As it stands, I’ll take the name.

So what is Genesis II?  If you’re like me, you probably thought it was a device that turned small moons into planets that sustain life.  As it turns out, that is not the case.  Genesis II is an experimental space habitat launched by Bigelow Aerospace just last week.  Though it is unmanned, it does include pictures and items provided by paying customers as part of their “Fly Your Stuff” program.

The real purpose, however, is to test systems that will be available on future Bigelow projects… ultimately a space hotel. 

So, what does the future hold?  Clearly a front row seat to observe NASA’s missions from the marvelously appointed “Blair” observation pod.  Ok.  That isn’t true, but a Co-Host can dream, can’t he?

The Co-Host

Official Buggy Specs Revealed

NASA provides Moon Buggy Specs

Very interesting!  It seems that even the Buggy designers recognize NASA EDGE’s dominance in the upcoming competition.

Seriously, it is good to finally see the race vehicle.  Brandon is in the middle of intense training.  We discovered yesterday that he is extremely allergic to all energy drinks.  He was able to run a 40 yard dash in 3.9 seconds, but his calves ballooned up to the size of cantelopes.  So, for the record, NASA EDGE does not endorse the use of energy drinks of any kind.  We are water only from here on out.

Today, Brandon has refused to run.  Not a good sign for NASA EDGE, but a small window of opportunity for the competition.

On a lighter note, we are considering a funraiser.  You can sponsor Brandon and the NASA EDGE Team by the meter.  Anyone interested in supporting a good cause, call 757-864-1296.

The Co-Host

Official Buggy Specs Revealed

NASA provides Moon Buggy Specs

Very interesting!  It seems that even the Buggy designers recognize NASA EDGE’s dominance in the upcoming competition.

Seriously, it is good to finally see the race vehicle.  Brandon is in the middle of intense training.  We discovered yesterday that he is extremely allergic to all energy drinks.  He was able to run a 40 yard dash in 3.9 seconds, but his calves ballooned up to the size of cantelopes.  So, for the record, NASA EDGE does not endorse the use of energy drinks of any kind.  We are water only from here on out.

Today, Brandon has refused to run.  Not a good sign for NASA EDGE, but a small window of opportunity for the competition.

On a lighter note, we are considering a funraiser.  You can sponsor Brandon and the NASA EDGE Team by the meter.  Anyone interested in supporting a good cause, call 757-864-1296.

The Co-Host

NASA EDGE 1st Official Blog

NASA EDGE Official Blogging begins with a caption contest…

Yes!  We are finally a “go” for blogging.  (Insert your very own personal celebration here.)

Throughout the crazy approval process, I created about 10 unique “1st NASA EDGE Blogs” which are all now obsolete.  I am all tapped out of creative post ideas.  I am, however, working on a new project for NASA EDGE.  I don’t really want to talk about it yet, so I thought I would give everyone a simple tease…

Can you guess what I am doing in this picture?  Submit your caption ideas to nasaedge@larc.nasa.gov.  I’m not sure what we will do with them, but if they are funny, they might make their way to the bloggersphere.

All the best,

The Goofy Co-Host