Todd Barber
Cassini Lead Propulsion Engineer (bio)
Greetings from the engineering side of the Cassini mission to Saturn on this auspicious date, 8/8/08! As most folks on the third rock from the Sun turn their attention toward
Image left: E3 is March flyby and E4 is August flyby.
Before any science results may be achieved, though, we have to make sure the spacecraft is on course for a truly close approach to Enceladus. Next Monday, Cassini will zip over this icy orb within 50 kilometers (30 miles), a close shave indeed considering Enceladus is roughly 1.5 billion kilometers (900 million miles) from Earth. From the spacecraft engineering and navigation teams, I’m happy to report our final E4 flyby approach maneuver, OTM-163, was canceled yesterday afternoon. These cancellation-decision meetings are always very interesting, representing a wonderful example of the collaborative efforts required of our scientists and engineers. It turns out we could have performed OTM-163 today (i.e., it was large enough to execute), and we know where the spacecraft is very precisely. The “tall tent pole” in the process turned out to be our uncertainties in the position of Enceladus itself, rendering the tiny maneuver superfluous! Naturally, our understanding of Enceladus’ position will improve after Monday’s close flyby, but I thought it was quite interesting that we know where our (relatively) small spacecraft is better than we know the position of this moon of Saturn. Among countless scientific reasons, this is another incentive for close flybys of moons like icy Enceladus.
Perhaps I could have predicted this maneuver would get canceled, given its cushy positioning on a regular working Friday, during prime shift. Why aren’t the off-shift, holiday, and weekend maneuvers afforded the same cancellation probability, statistically?
“Cassini will zip over this icy orb within 50 kilometers, a close shave indeed considering Enceladus is roughly 1.5 billion kilometers from Earth.”
I’m in awe of the work your teams do–and of the spectacular results. Best of luck tomorrow and for the rest of the mission.
Thank you for the clear description.
Heres hoping your positional knowledge is < 50 out Km ;) Now for the Pix 🙂