T-5: Earth Day at Home

Even though we’re socially distant right now, we’re still connected to each other and our planet. On this 50th anniversary of Earth Day, NASA has put together a collection of activities, videos, posters and other resources to help you observe “Earth Day at Home,” wherever that may be. Many resources are available in English and Spanish.

Look at Earth from space and the ground – and learn how to make your own GIF using satellite data. Learn about our interconnected water, land and air from NASA experts, and watch a stunning visualization about 50 years of Earth science. Listen to astronauts talk about what it’s like to see Earth from space, and join scientists in a discussion about living in isolation in Antarctica.

NASA logo with the blue circle replaced with EarthAnd, find engaging games and science activities you can do easily at home. You can share images of how you observed Earth Day using #EarthDayAtHome on social media.