In the transformation of IT at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, we throw around what is now getting to be trite IT jargon … “The CIO must be aligned to the business”. But what does this really mean? In English?
In English, alignment means that IT resources are optimized to meet the mission’s demand for new and existing technology. But in a Forrester IT Excellence survey of 162 senior IT executives, only 15% declared themselves to be fully aligned. So, if alignment is so important, why are only 15% of folks in this survey there? It’s no wonder CIO stands for “Career is Over”.
I’m beginning to think that “alignment” is essentially not so much a place to actually “be”, but rather a place to “try” to be. With apologies to my favorite Muppet, Yoda who implores young Skywalker:
“Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.”
I believe the effectiveness of an aligned CIO is in the “try”. So, assuming that alignment is this mythological place that is approached asymptotically, how does the aligned CIO “try”?
So, as Deputy CIO at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, the first thing I wanted to do was shoot a gun. Never shot a gun before, though I wondered if it’s a skill that might come in handy for a CIO. After I got that thrill out of the way, I decided that I would stick with organolyptic testing of fermented beverages and “try” a different way.
There are three components to the “try”: effective governance, relationships with the mission folks, and requisite leadership competencies.
Effective governance. How do you make decisions about technology? How do you allocate scarce resources? What are the priorities? What information do you need to make good decisions? Who has decision rights? These are multilateral decisions about IT that ensure IT meets mission needs.
Relationships with mission executives. Said many times being a CIO change agent is a tough gig, and no CIO should expect to win popularity contests. An effective relationship requires understanding their pain; understanding their priorities; understanding what IT needs to do for them; and understanding the possibilities of what IT can do.
Leadership. Now, Yoda may have had good CIO advice when he encouraged Young Skywalker to use The Force. For the CIO, this Force is leadership. This includes: strong people skills, to manage an IT workforce; communication skills – to listen and speak; courage to do the right thing; and I suppose, a light saber for technology leadership.
Thus, as the CIO of NASA’s
Linda Cureton, CIO, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Love it! May the Force be with you.
General question, does your weblog have an RSS feed? I can’t find it. I only read weblogs through my RSS reader, much faster than visiting every site.
you guys are nasty realy nasty luke
You have to be fully aligned to be the most productive in any area of technology.. Great post!
great post linda , still to me it seem that IT technogy sorry for the mispelling there,should have one goal that is better commucation, to reach the star, but to much hi tech can prvent us for reaching them, much less get off the ground, my advise is this “one person can do what another person can do” we people are the true IT not the other way a round
In response to David Bigwood:
Here’s link to RSS Feed: CIO Blog&pagenum=&et_cw=850&et_ch=600
Hi Linda
Love your points on leadership. Alignment is critical to your success
May the force be with you…
Martina Nevoue
Sr. Manager,
I wish you the best. Nice quote there in the middle. “Do or Do Not do”
John McDough
Washington State
PersonalLoan Consultant
Confucious said “A great leader is one who understands that he depends on his followers as much as they depend on him.”
John McDough
Washington State
Sounds like you've had an interesting past being a CIO. I know it must be tough to handle all of the tasks before you, but keep up the good work!
– Kathy
IT technogy sorry for the mispelling there,should have one goal that is better commucation,A great leader is one who understands that he depends on his followers as much as they depend on him weather they s hould think so.
The great thing about IT is that it is the fiber that holds the network together. Without our IT people we wouldn’t have these platforms of opportunity. IT is the staple of the web, the men and women behind the scenes that work day and night to hold it altogether. Thank you all who are in IT!
My hats off to the men and women of Nasa's IT department. You are the very fiber that holds it all together. Without you we are nothing.
The sign of a good leader is one who knows how to delegate and has those below him reporting back to him with continuous updates!
It's true that leadership is important in any career success. Most of the time, the strong leadership skill is
always required for the middle to higher level of all careers. I have learned this skill from serving in the US
Army. I had this training every single day. In addition, all the movie Star Wars characters represent the strong
leadership skills to survive on the space. It's pretty interesting.
I had this training every single day. In addition, all the movie Star Wars characters represent the strong
leadership skills to survive on the space. It’s pretty interesting.
Never thought that CIO means Career Is Over. Thanks for the funny