It is the tradition of some to exchange gifts during this time of year. My family usually agonizes over what to get for me. They tell me that it’s frustrating to just try to “read my mind” in order to come up with ideas. One year, my husband just slammed down a piece of paper and a pencil in front of me and said, “Please do your friends a favor and write something down!” I recently had the pleasure of reading the wish list that belonged to my nine-year-old niece Alyssa. It went like this:
Dear Santa:
As you know, I’ve been a very, very good girl this year. Thanks, in advance, for getting me the things on my list.
Love Alyssa
I would like: My own laptop, blue topaz ring, television, digital camera, magic kit, SpongeBob Season One, decals for my fingernails, crayons and coloring book, etc. (actual list truncated for editorial brevity)
Ok, so assuming that a NASA CIO would actually have friends, or a Santa even, that would want to know what she wants, I will write down a wish list. So here goes:
Dear Santa:
As you know, I’ve been a very, very good girl this year. I’m especially grateful that Goddard’s Center Director signed off on our IT strategy. Thanks, in advance, for making it possible to get the things on my list.
Love Linda
I would like:
· A strong, happy, and healthy family
· To live happily ever after
· Peace on Earth
· Oh, and one more thing … a ring
A strong, happy, and healthy family. A motivated, capable IT workforce to help transform IT management at Goddard. We’ve been through a lot of turbulence for the past few years. I would like for us to learn about making choices and taking actions. I would like a strong and courageous leadership team who will be capable of leading the workforce through times of change.
To live happily ever after. I would really, really like to see IT be a stronger enabler that helps Goddard meet NASA’s mission needs. Some people just think about desktops, laptops, and email – all of this HAS to work, I know. But, I’d like to also see IT better help our scientific and engineering heroes win proposals, build and launch spacecraft and deliver superior science products.
Peace on Earth. IT Governance has to do with: Who makes decisions about IT? How are those decisions made? What is the process of informing those who make the decisions? Are we investing in the right thing? And why? I know this is a lot of work, and may even take years, but if we get this working well, we will have improved security, more interoperability, better information sharing, and better delivery of IT services.
Oh, and one more thing, a ring. I’d like to consolidate the infrastructure as much as practical so that we can reduce costs and increase our ability to secure the perimeter. If we can reduce costs, the savings can be reinvested. If we reduce the cost to secure our perimeter, we can make this problem more and more solvable. Oh, and it will be easier to share information and collaborate with other boys and girls.
Ok, that’s all for now. I really, really, really hope I get what I want. I can hardly wait to open my presents.
Linda Cureton, CIO, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center