Well, I’m not really a new kid on the block. I have been working with NASA’s DIY Podcast since its beginning. I am Denise Miller, the educator behind the podcast modules. I write the overviews at the beginning of each module to support school curriculum and national education standards. I review the video clips to make sure that they are going be what you and your students need. I have collaborated on several of the blog posts. But now, they’re mine … all mine. HA! I’ll be using the DIY Podcast blog entries to help you use this cool technology with your students.
I’ve taught eighth grade science, algebra and pre-algebra. I enjoyed using different methods for presenting lessons including demonstrations, discrepant events and PowerPoint presentations. If I were still in the classroom, I would create podcasts for my students to download to their MP3 players or computers so they could have repeated exposure to their lessons. I would assign podcast building projects to accompany some units. To me, podcasts are the PowerPoint presentation of the 21st century.
I came to work at NASA because I was using NASA lessons in the classroom and I had participated in NASA activities. I wanted other teachers to know about the cool and FREE stuff that NASA has for students and teachers.
The DIY Podcast is another example of cool and free NASA stuff. It is also an exciting way to use NASA multimedia in the classroom.
OK, really … the blog isn’t ALL mine. I would like your help with it. I want to use it to start a conversation between teachers, to trade ideas on how to make the most of this educational tool. No doubt about it, we can learn a lot from each other.