Spreading the Word,Raising the Funds

With midterms behind her, Lindsay Los checked in this week with news from the Carleton University moonbuggy team. They’ve all been focused on tests — but now they’re diving back into preparations for the race…

Due to the midterms this past week — and the fact that Carleton was on holiday the previous week — there hasn’t been a whole lot of progress on the actual building of the buggy. However, there have been a few exciting events to fill you in on.
The first was that our final shipment of aluminum arrived and was only missing one (very important) piece!  Now we can finish off the frame in time for our exhibit next Thursday as a part of National Engineering Month.  

The second exciting thing was a direct result of the last blog we posted. The day after the blog went up, we got an e-mail from the folks in Carleton Media Relations, who had noticed the blog and were offering to help us with publicity. This was an awesome and much appreciated surprise! Actually, there have been a few other awesome surprises from Carleton that need to be mentioned. Our applications to the various student groups for financial aid finally went through and we got some funding! 

Though we have been getting more financial help from the university, we still need considerable funds for the actual trip down to the competition. Coming from Canada, this is a fair amount of travel and all travel options seem to be fairly pricey.

Last year we drove, which turned out to be a great road trip — 20 hours down, 25 hours back, great for team bonding! This year we thought about switching it up — maybe flying or… renting an RV! This was a really exciting idea — it would be so much fun and we could even save money on hotel rooms. Then we found out you have to be over 25 to rent and drive an RV. So now we’re back to the original ideas: flying or driving. And definitely renting hotel rooms.

Which is where our fundraiser comes in — “Carleton Moonbuggy Comedy Night,” to be exact. It just so happens that Absolute Comedy, an awesome comedy club just down the street from Carleton, gives various charities and non-profit groups the opportunity for fundraising! They provide the comics — a mix of pros and amateurs — tickets and the venue, and all we have to do is sell them. We’re hoping for a big turnout.

To help promote the event, we’ve created a Facebook event. Facebook users can search for “Carleton Moonbuggy Comedy Night” on the site to learn more or RSVP, and if you happen to be in Ottawa on March 18, come on by the comedy club and help put the FUN in FUNdraising!

The Buggy Blog looks forward to finding out how the comedy fundraiser goes; that’s an innovative idea for raising awareness and money for Carleton’s moonbuggy team! What’s your school doing to raise funds? Let us know via e-mail.

For more about the Carleton moonbuggy team, visit http://cuseds.engsoc.org.

One thought on “Spreading the Word,Raising the Funds”

  1. Mouth to mouth spreading for raising funds will really work as people will listen to each other and then they do the things which they themselves wont do

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