The Bio-suit team, Johnny Alonso and the crew.
Filming in Harvard Square
Kevin and Mike on the slopes
Mars rover
The Bio-suit team, Johnny Alonso and the crew.
Filming in Harvard Square
Kevin and Mike on the slopes
Mars rover
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can i view the huddle space telescope from earth?
Sept. 25 guest –
I have not been able to find any references that talk about Hubble Space Telescope (HST) sightings. You can, however, track the HST. Try the NASA utility at
On the other hand, you can see the International Space Station (ISS) with the unaided eye from time to time, depending on where you live. There’s a NASA applet called Skywatch that can help you find out when and if you will be able to see the ISS.
It’s at:
Hope this helps.
Bob Allen
NASA 360 web support
Just wanted to say that I love the program (only partially because I am in it, Go BioSuit!), and keep up the good work.
Ben said…
On Nov 28, 2008 08:51:01 AM Ben Dixon wrote:
Yeah it looks amazing, you guys are so lucky doing the work that you do. I hope you realise that 🙂
Ben Dixon
NASA 360 is an awesome show with a great emerging talent – Johnny Alonso as co-host. I watched my first episode and was blown away at Johnny’s cool demeanor and thought provoking questions as it relates to global warming. Kudos to Johnny and cast for a job well done. Keep up the good work in making a change for the better!!!
Best regards,
Uhm, I’d like to buy a Mars rover for my son, how much does it cost?
Just kidding. 😉 It must be great to work on awesome projects like the NASA 360.
mars rovers are cool! i wish i had one in my room to…….rov…. i wish i lived on mars…..ya mars is a pretty planet i heard mars has aliens and stuff like that i need to go my friend just broke a computer……….ya
Love the show old freind! Let’s talk soon!