NES Professional Development Web Seminar This Week to Address NGSS

Professional Development Web Seminar

NASA Explorer Schools and the National Science Teachers Association are hosting a 90-minute live professional development Web seminar for grades 6-8 educators on June 4, 2013, at 6:30 p.m. EDT. This seminar will address the Next Generation Science Standards. As a result of this seminar, you will be able to use the lesson “Engineering a Stable Rocket” from NASA’s Rockets Educator Guide to address the middle school dimensions associated with forces and interaction performance expectations. This seminar provides an overview of the activity, explores the NASA connections, shares tips and tricks for implementing this lesson in the classroom, showcases videos of students engaged in the lesson and discusses possible modifications or extensions.

This is the only time this seminar will be offered during the current school year.

For more information and to register online, visit the NSTA Learning Center.

NES Teachers Attend WRATS

Launch of sounding rocketOn June 20-24, 2011, 20 educators participated in the Wallops Rocket Academy for Teachers and Students, or WRATS, at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility, located at Wallops Island, Virginia. Of the 20 participants, 10 were NASA Explorer Schools educators who have been recognized for their best practices in using the Rockets Educator Guide content module on the NES Virtual Campus. 

The educators toured Wallops Flight Facility, built rockets, launched them and analyzed the launch data. They also interacted with university students attending the NASA hosted RockOn! University Rocket Science Workshop and got an inside look at the students’ experiments. The highlight of the week was the launch of the Terrier-Improved Orion Sounding Rocket on June 23. 

Michelle Harrison
Michelle Harrison (shown in the picture to the right), NES participant from Holly Grove Christian School, commented on how the WRATS workshop gave her the confidence to use the Rockets Educator Guide content module in her classroom. 

To see more pictures from WRATS, check NES on facebook.

To use the Rockets Educator Guide with your students this fall, sign-up to be a participant in the NASA Explorer Schools project.

Link to the NES Virtual Campus home page.

NASA Now: STS-134 — All Systems Go!

NASA Now logoAs we look forward to the final launch of Endeavour, George Hatcher joins us to explain what it’s like to sit at the console in the launch control center during countdown. Learn about the tremendous amount of teamwork required between the Flight Control, Guidance and Navigation engineers and the entire team in the firing room to ensure a safe launch.
During the 14-day mission, Endeavour will deliver the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer and spare parts including two S-band communications antennas, a high-pressure gas tank, additional spare parts for Dextre, and micrometeoroid debris shields. STS-134 will be the 36th shuttle mission to the International Space Station and the final flight of Endeavour.

Link to the NES Virtual Campus home page.

NASA Now Minute: STS-134 — All Systems Go!

NASA Now: Propulsion

NASA Now logoIn this episode of NASA Now, you’ll visit NASA’s Spacecraft Propulsion Research Facility, called B-2, at NASA Plum Brook Station. You’ll meet Dr. Louis Povinelli and Brian Jones who explain why rockets are built in stages and the importance of testing a rocket before it is sent into space. B-2 is the world’s only facility capable of testing full-scale upper-stage launch vehicles and rocket engines under simulated high-altitude conditions. The engine or vehicle can be exposed for indefinite periods to low pressure, low temperatures, and dynamic solar heating. This simulates the harsh environment of space the hardware will encounter during orbital or interplanetary travel.

NASA Now Preview Video