Entering First Phase of High Radiation

2 hours and five minutes into flight, Orion is entering the lower Van Allen belt which contains intense levels of radiation. The cameras onboard Orion have been turned off to protect them. It will take 15 minutes to pass through this zone. The spacecraft will encounter it again on its way back to Earth in another hour-and-a-half.

“Everything going perfectly on the maiden flight of Orion,” reports NASA TV commentator Rob Navias.

Second Stage Ignites to Lift Orbit

The single engine of the second stage is firing now, using its 24,750 pounds of thrust to push Orion higher above Earth. This burn will last 4 minutes and 42 seconds and place Orion on a path through the Van Allen radiation belts and then back to Earth’s atmosphere at high speed.03b-UpperStageRe-Ignition

Orion Flying Comfortably Through Space

Orbiting above Earth attached to the Delta IV second stage, Orion’s telemetry shows all systems working well on NASA’s newest spacecraft designed for astronauts. The next major stages in the flight test will begin with the re-ignition of the second stage engine. That 4 1/2-minute burn will send Orion out of low Earth orbit and on a path to fly 3,600 miles high before returning to Earth. The flight test is scheduled to end with Orion splashing down in the Pacific Ocean at about 11:29 a.m. EST.