Meet Allyson: Acting Principal Investigator for PLRP 2010

by Allyson Brady


This blog is courtesy of the Pavilion Lake Research Project (PLRP)

For more information please visit their website at

  Allyson in final preparation for a DeepWorker flight


As the 2010 PLRP field season draws nearer, we are all busy with plans and preparations. This summer will be a bit different for me as our fearless leader Darlene will be on maternity leave and I will be stepping into the role of acting Principal Investigator (PI). A daunting task, but I know I have the support of an amazing team of people and we’re all working towards having a fun, safe and successful field season.

Looking back over the last 5 years that I have been involved in PLRP I am in awe of what we’ve accomplished and how much we’ve grown. Last year we successfully mapped additional regions of the lake using the DeepWorker submersibles and re-visited areas of interest identified in 2008 for more detailed imaging and observations. We were also very successful in classifying a great deal of our DW imaging data while in the field. This was a huge accomplishment and the entire team worked very hard to make this happen, we hope to have a repeat this year. Examination of the 2009 data has helped us to identify more regions that show interesting trends that we will be exploring in this upcoming field season.

Flight planning for 2010 is going ahead full-steam! We are very pleased to continue with our astronaut training program this year and welcome Chris Hadfield and the Stan Love to the PLRP gang. I can’t wait to see their reaction to viewing this remarkable lake and the microbialites for the first time.

As always, there are a number of fundamental science questions that we are working towards answering through the exploration of this beautiful lake, not only with DW but with SCUBA and GAVIA as well. We will continue to examine questions regarding the role of biology and physical parameters in carbonate precipitation including: What are the dominant surface microbial and viral communities? Does grazing by macroorganisms affect microbialite morphology? What is the role of algae? How do depth and slope affect morphology? And many more… I’m looking forward to partaking in some great science and exploration activities this summer.

The field season is nearly upon us so stay tuned for more updates!

~ Allyson

3 thoughts on “Meet Allyson: Acting Principal Investigator for PLRP 2010”

  1. Algae is oxygen = carbonate

    But why is more oxygen than plants…?

    Accumulated, stored in the Algae.

    Airy-medium in relation to the fotosynthesis…

    But fotosynthesis reduces the quantity of oxygen?


    Because due to the accumulation of oxygen in this algae… where the rays of the sun… though the rays of the sun are a reflex always inside and outside.

    Inside-indoors-outdoors always there is radiation communication with sun.

    It’s not normal to say that in a house the sun doesn’t penetrate.

    The home could be obscure but the sun is in there, the reflection is a think and the action is other.

    Always cosmic rays traversed our bodies.

    Cancer is an alteration of our quantic fotons or cells.

  2. ok. Today I will say that is not only magnetic Time though magnetical Time inside the marine sky.

    Temperature is lunatic if not continues the insistence of periodical positions in the rhythm of not historic moments, though instants of periods inside the ozone-Time or rather the ozean.

    But it wouldn’t exist Time if some hadn’t invented.

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