Artemis I Wet Dress Rehearsal Called off for April 4

The Artemis I team has ended today’s attempt at the wet dress rehearsal test at 5 p.m. The countdown ended after partially loading liquid oxygen into the Space Launch System core stage tank. This provided the teams a valuable opportunity for training and to make sure modeled loading procedures were accurate. This was the first time using new systems at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39B. The team was able to monitor the Artemis I core stage as it was exposed to cryogenic liquids and gather data that will inform updates to propellant loading procedures.

After troubleshooting a temperature limit issue for the liquid oxygen, which delayed the countdown by several hours, the team successfully developed a new procedure for loading the liquid oxygen and filled the tank to 50 percent. Liquid oxygen is an extremely cold, or cryogenic, propellant that is maintained at minus 297 degrees Fahrenheit.

During chilldown of the lines in preparation for loading the liquid hydrogen, the teams encountered an issue with a panel on the mobile launcher that controls the core stage vent valve. The purpose of the vent valve is to relieve pressure from the core stage during tanking. Given the time to resolve the issue as teams were nearing the end of their shifts, the launch director made the call to stop the test for the day. A crew will investigate the issue at the pad, and the team will review range availability and the time needed to turn systems around before making a determination on the path forward.

The wet dress rehearsal is the last major test before launch. This test allows the team to practice propellant loading and thoroughly check out the Artemis I rocket systems as they are exposed to cryogenics.

Artemis I WDR Update: Go to Proceed for Tanking – Countdown Resumes

The countdown for the wet dress rehearsal has resumed at 10:52 a.m. EDT and clocks have picked back up at T-6 hours, 40 minutes on the clock (L-7 hours, 10 minutes). A new planned T-0 of 6:02 p.m. has been established.

An earlier issue with an outage with the vendor of gaseous nitrogen required for tanking preparations has been resolved. Overnight, teams also resolved the issue with the malfunction of the fans used to provide positive pressure to enclosed areas in the mobile launcher and keep out hazardous gases, and they have a plan for operating the fans to prevent issues from reoccurring. The team was able to successfully bring up and run the primary fan through the night to provide confidence, and has configured the secondary fan to run at 80% capacity to support tanking operations.

At approximately 10 a.m. EDT, the launch director gave the “go” to begin tanking the rocket. Cryogenic loading operations are scheduled to begin with chilling down the liquid oxygen lines for the core stage. Once propellant loading operations begin, liquid oxygen (LOX) and liquid hydrogen (LH2) will flow into the rocket’s core stage and interim cryogenic propulsion stage tanks and be topped off and replenished as some of the cryogenic propellant boils off. The team will also conduct leak checks to ensure propellant loading is proceeding as expected.

NASA is streaming live video of the rocket and spacecraft at the launch pad on the Kennedy Newsroom YouTube channel. Venting may be visible during tanking operations. NASA is also sharing live updates on the Exploration Ground Systems Twitter account.

The next blog update will be provided when core stage propellant loading is underway.

Mission Management Team ‘Go’ to Proceed with Artemis I Wet Dress Rehearsal  

At approximately 7:40 a.m. EDT, the mission management team chair gave the “go” to proceed with tanking the rocket for the Artemis I wet dress rehearsal test. Later in the countdown the Launch Director will give the “go” to begin the tanking process. Meteorologists with Space Launch Delta 45 said there were no weather constraints for the test.  

Teams are continuing to hold the clock to resolve an outage with the vendor of gaseous nitrogen required for tanking preparations. Nitrogen is used to prepare for, and during tanking operations, to provide a non-flammable environment inside of the SLS. When the issue is resolved, the countdown clock will pick back up with T-6 hours, 40 minutes on the clock (L-7 hours, 20 minutes) remaining in the countdown, beginning with chilling down the liquid oxygen lines for the core stage. 

Once propellant loading operations begin, liquid oxygen (LOX) and liquid hydrogen (LH2) will flow into the into the rocket’s core stage and interim cryogenic propulsion stage tanks and be topped off and replenished as some of cryogenic propellant boils off. The team will also conduct leak checks to ensure propellant loading is proceeding as expected.  

NASA is streaming live video of the rocket and spacecraft at the launch pad on the Kennedy Newsroom YouTube channel. Venting may be visible during tanking operations. NASA is also sharing live updates on the Exploration Ground Systems Twitter account 

Artemis I Wet Dress Rehearsal Testing Continues

NASA is targeting Monday, April 4, to resume the Artemis I wet dress rehearsal test. The test was stopped Sunday, April 3 prior to tanking due to loss of ability to pressurize the mobile launcher using two fans. The fans are needed to provide positive pressure to the enclosed areas within the mobile launcher and keep out hazardous gases. Without this capability, technicians were unable to safely proceed with remotely loading the propellants into the rocket’s core stage and interim cryogenic propulsion stage.

The launch control team will meet at 6 a.m. EDT and review the status of the operations before deciding if they will proceed with propellant loading. The targeted test T-0 is planned for 2:40 p.m. EDT. Meteorologists with the U.S. Space Force Space Launch Delta 45 currently predict favorable weather conditions for tanking operations.

During a teleconference this evening, Mike Sarafin, Artemis I mission manager and Charlie Blackwell-Thompson, Artemis launch director indicated that teams are continuing to troubleshoot the issue with the fans and aim to have a resolution later tonight. NASA will provide an update the morning of April 4, prior to the tanking meeting.

The Space Launch System (SLS) core stage, interim cryogenic propulsion stage, and Orion spacecraft will remain powered up overnight. The SLS boosters will be powered down, and then powered up again Sunday morning. Teams will work through the night and into the morning to complete necessary preparations ahead of loading propellants into the rocket.

NASA is streaming live video of the rocket and spacecraft at the launch pad on the Kennedy Newsroom YouTube channel.

Artemis I Wet Dress Rehearsal Scrub

Teams have decided to scrub tanking operations for the wet dress rehearsal due to loss of ability to pressurize the mobile launcher. The fans are needed to provide positive pressure to the enclosed areas within the mobile launcher and keep out hazardous gases. Technicians are unable to safely proceed with loading the propellants into the rocket’s core stage and interim cryogenic propulsion stage without this capability.

Teams will now meet to determine next steps and establish a go forward plan. The next opportunity to proceed into tanking is Monday, April 4. Teams will discuss range and commodity availability as part of the forward plan.

Artemis I WDR Update: Go for Proceed for Tanking

At approximately 6:45 a.m. EDT, the launch director and mission management team chair gave the “go” to begin tanking the rocket. Meteorologists with Space Launch Delta 45 said there were no weather violations for the test. All elements are powered up and teams have moved the side flame deflectors into position and completed final preparations and closeouts of the umbilicals that connect the mobile launcher to the Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft.

The flame deflectors divert ignited propellant away from the rocket and ground infrastructure at liftoff. Although the engines will not be lit during the test, launch controllers are using the wet dress rehearsal to practice countdown milestones like they would on launch day.

The umbilicals provide power, communications, coolant, and fuel to different parts of the rocket. Additional accessories provide access and stabilize the rocket and spacecraft. During launch, each umbilical releases from its connection point, allowing the rocket and spacecraft to lift off safely from the launch pad.

Cryogenic loading operations are schedule to begin around 7:20 a.m., or with L-7 hours, 20 minutes remaining in the countdown.

Once propellant loading operations begin, liquid oxygen (LOX) and liquid hydrogen (LH2) will flow into the into the rocket’s core stage and interim cryogenic propulsion stage tanks and be topped off and replenished as some of cryogenic propellant boils off. The team will also conduct leak checks to ensure propellant loading is proceeding as expected.

NASA is streaming live video of the rocket and spacecraft at the launch pad on the Kennedy Newsroom YouTube channel. Venting may be visible during tanking operations. NASA is also sharing live updates on the Exploration Ground Systems Twitter account.

The next blog update will be provided when core stage propellant loading is underway.

Wet Dress Rehearsal Countdown Progressing, ICPS Powered Up

The Artemis I launch team continues to press ahead through the wet dress rehearsal countdown. During the overnight hours after determining four lightning strikes at Launch Pad 39B would not stop the countdown from continuing,  the interim cryogenic propulsion stage (ICPS) and solid rocket boosters of the Space Launch System rocket were powered up. Shortly after, all non-essential personnel left the launch pad.

Teams continue to prepare to load super-cooled liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen into the Space Launch System core stage as part of the Artemis I test, which began on April 1.

At 6 a.m. EDT, or L-8 hours, 40 minutes, the launch team reached a planned 1 hour, 30-minute built-in hold in the countdown. During this time the mission management team will make a “go” or “no-go” decision to proceed with tanking operations. If mission mangers elect to proceed with cryogenic loading operations, it is scheduled to begin at L-7 hours 40 minutes.

Tanking milestones include filling the rocket’s core stage and ICPS tanks with over 700,000 gallons of liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen. This will occur over a series of different propellant loading milestones to fill, top off, and replenish the tanks.

NASA is streaming live video of the rocket and spacecraft at the launch pad on the Kennedy Newsroom YouTube channel. NASA is also sharing live updates on the Exploration Ground Systems Twitter account.

The next blog update will be provided after the “go” or “no-go” decision to proceed with tanking operations.

Teams Proceeding with Overnight Operations for Artemis I Wet Dress Rehearsal

Engineers confirmed there were four lightning strikes to the lightning towers within the perimeter of Launch Pad 39B. Teams have determined the first three were low intensity strikes to tower two and are continuing to review data from the fourth strike, which was higher in intensity to tower one. At the time of the strikes, Orion and the Space Launch System (SLS) core stage were powered up and the solid rocket boosters and interim cryogenic propulsion stage (ICPS) were not. Teams currently see no constraints to proceeding with the test countdown timeline as planned and will continue procedures to power up the SLS boosters and ICPS overnight.

Overnight, engineers will also work to make up time for activities that were paused due to the severe weather. The Mission Management Team will review the schedule and data from the power ups and sensors at the pad at a 6 a.m. EDT tanking meeting before making the decision to proceed with the test.

Teams Continue to Monitor Severe Weather Ahead of Artemis I Wet Dress Rehearsal

The launch team is continuing to monitor severe weather in the Kennedy Space Center area surrounding Launch Complex 39B. Earlier this evening one of the lightning towers was struck and teams are currently assessing any impacts.

The lightning protection system consists of three nearly 600 foot tall towers that work together to protect the rocket from lightning strikes. The team will provide an update once a determination has been made on the intensity of the strike and has established a go forward plan.

Weather Still Favorable for Artemis I Wet Dress Rehearsal

Meteorologists with the U.S. Space Force Space Launch Delta 45 currently predict favorable weather conditions for tanking on April 3. Forecast for this afternoon slightly improved from yesterday. There is currently less than a 5% chance of lightning within five nautical miles of the launch pad. Weather constraints stipulate there must be less than a 20% chance lightning within 5 nautical miles of pad during the first hour of tanking. Meteorologists are also predicting a 10% chance of winds greater than 23 knots on April 3, when tanking begins. Winds must not be above 37.5 knots and the temperature cannot be below 41 degrees Fahrenheit.

The launch team is monitoring the potential for severe weather in the area later today and adjusting planned outdoor activities to remain on track for the wet dress rehearsal schedule.

While operations at the pad may not be visible during today’s activities at the launch pad, NASA is streaming live video of the rocket and spacecraft on the Kennedy Newsroom YouTube channel.

NASA is also sharing updates on the Exploration Ground Systems Twitter account. Real-time updates from Jeremy Parson, deputy manager of the Exploration Ground Systems Program, will begin on the account when the launch director and mission management team chair give a “go” for tanking operations, expected to occur around 7 a.m. EDT on Sunday, April 3.

The next blog update will be provided after the side flame deflectors are moved into place, which is expected to occur around 5:40 p.m. or L-21 hours.