NASA's Spirit Rover Completes Mission on Mars

NASA has ended operational planning activities for the Mars rover Spirit and transitioned the Mars Exploration Rover Project to a single-rover operation focused on Spirit’s still-active twin, Opportunity. 

This marks the completion of one of the most successful missions of interplanetary exploration ever launched. 

Artist concept - Spirit on MarsSpirit last communicated on March 22, 2010, as Martian winter approached and the rover’s solar-energy supply declined. The rover operated for more than six years after landing in January 2004 for what was planned as a three-month mission. NASA checked frequently in recent months for possible reawakening of Spirit as solar energy available to the rover increased during Martian spring. A series of additional re-contact attempts ended today, designed for various possible combinations of recoverable conditions.

For more information read the JPL news article or the Project Manager’s blog post, A Heartfelt Goodbye to a Spirited Mars Rover.