Call for Proposals

About the Opportunity
During Expeditions 33 and 34, crewmembers aboard the International Space Station, or ISS, will participate in downlinks. Downlinks are approximately 20 minutes in length and allow students and educators to interact with astronauts through a question and answer session. Downlinks afford educational audiences the opportunity to learn first-hand from space explorers what it is like to live and work in space. Downlinks are broadcast live on NASA TV and streamed on the NASA website.
Who Can Host a Downlink?
Members of the U.S. formal and informal education communities are eligible to host a downlink. Examples include museums, science centers, school districts, national and regional education organizations, and local, state and U.S. government agencies.
What Technology Do You Need to Host a Downlink?
Your organization needs to be able to access NASA TV via NASA’s Live Interactive Media Service, or LIMS, channel and have two dedicated phone lines. Please note that LIMS is a special satellite feed and is not the “regular” NASA TV seen through your local satellite or cable provider. You can learn more about LIMS at or by contacting Teaching From Space at the email address provided below.
Process and Deadline
This unique educational opportunity is made available through Teaching From Space, a NASA Education office. The deadline to submit a proposal is June 1, 2012. Proposals must be submitted electronically to on or before the deadline. A committee will review proposals and notify organizations of their status. Teaching From Space education specialists will work with selected organizations to plan their downlink.
Interested organizations should contact Teaching From Space to obtain information related to expectations, content, online informational sessions, guidelines and forms by sending an email to
Note: This opportunity is not affiliated with the NASA Explorer Schools project
and is open to any formal or informal educational organization meeting the criteria.