Live Chat With NASA Cloud Scientist

Lin Chambers
NASA Explorer Schools invites all U.S. teachers and students to join us today at 2:00 p.m. EDT for a live video chat with Lin Chambers. Chambers is an atmospheric scientist and the director of the CERES S’COOL Project at NASA’s Langley Research Center. Clouds are an important part of our atmosphere, and scientists are studying how they affect our weather and climate. She will talk about the effect clouds have on the Earth’s climate and will answer student questions about the role of clouds in the Earth’s energy and water cycles, and the benefits of participating in real-world atmospheric research through the S’COOL Project. 

Chambers developed the Students’ Cloud Observations On-Line project, also known as S’COOL. S’COOL involves students in making ground truth observations of clouds for comparison with satellite data. The project is beneficial to both scientists and students. Scientists benefit from the use of student observations to help validate the CERES measurements. Students benefit from their participation in a real-world science experiment.

11 thoughts on “Live Chat With NASA Cloud Scientist”

  1. Has the How Clouds Form chat been cancelled? Will this chat be archived so we can view it next week? We don’t start school with students until Aug. 29th.

  2. Great chat session today! Thanks to everyone who watched and asked questions of the presenter. An archive of the video chat will be posted to the Virtual Campus chat page once the video is captioned.

  3. Hi! I love NASA, but there is a question that has been on my mind for some time now. Why do we care? What does it matter if we find life in space in some other galaxy? It’s not like we can get there in the first place. Please reply!

  4. hi is there any such thing as apollo 11 because there is a movie about it and i was just wondering if it was a true story or not thank you jeremy

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