Teams from NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) Program conducted a successful full-duration 8 minute (499.6 seconds) hot fire of the Artemis I core stage on Thursday, Mar. 18 at NASA’s Stennis Space Center near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi on the historic B-2 Test Stand.
The hot fire got underway at around 4:40 p.m. EDT with all four RS-25 engines ignited successfully and produced 1.6 million pounds of thrust, as they will to launch the Artemis I mission to the Moon. During the test the engines consumed more than 700,000 gallons of liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen propellant. The test was conducted with the core stage that will launch that first Artemis mission. Engineers collect data on how the stage behaved during critical operations, such as throttling the engines up and down and moving the engines dynamically in a variety of patterns. In coming days, engineers will scrutinize the data and determine if the stage is ready to be delivered to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida where it will be integrated with the twin solid rocket boosters already stacked in the Vehicle Assembly Building.
To learn more, tune in to NASA TV for a post-test briefing in about 2 hours.
Learn more about Green Run, and check back at this blog for updates on the SLS core stage hot fire test. Watch a replay of the test on NASA Television or NASA’s YouTube channel. For all the photos and videos related to the test, visit, the Green Run Album on NASA
The hot fire is underway for the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket core stage at NASA’s Stennis Space Center near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.
Engine ignition began at approximately six tenths of a second before T-0, beginning with Engine 1, then Engines 3, 4, and 2 ignited in sequence a few hundredths of a second apart. The test is expected to last about 8 minutes and will include three different power levels for the engines, as well as engine gimballing, or pivoting, movements to simulate flight steering commands. Depending on the rate propellant is burned, the time is estimated to range from 485 to 493 seconds to simulate launch.
Learn more about Green Run, and check back at this blog for updates on the SLS core stage hot fire test.
The test conductor polled the team and has approved the decision to proceed with the terminal countdown that includes the final 10 minutes before the hot fire. During the terminal countdown, the team is executing the autonomous launch sequence that simulates the countdown for the Artemis I launch. The test transitions from ground control to on-board software control of the core stage and so the test is fully automated starting at T-30 seconds.
Key milestones during the final count include starting the core stage auxiliary power units (CAPUs) for each engine to provide power for the thrust vector control systems that gimbal, or move, the engines during the test, purging the engines with nitrogen gas to ensure they are completely clean before flowing propellant, moving the engines into position for engine start, and switching the core stage from external test stand power to internal battery power. The engines begin to power up 6 seconds before T-0.
Below are the key milestones in the terminal countdown:
T-4 minutes: Core Stage Auxiliary Power Unit CAPU Start
T-3 minutes: Engine Purge Sequence Start
T-2 minutes, 30 seconds: Pre-Ignition Gimbal Sequence Started
T-1 minute, 30 seconds: Core Stage to Internal Power
The B-2 test stand flame deflector cooling water also will begin flowing to protect the deflector from superheated engine exhaust about a minute and a half before firing up the engines, and test stand acoustic suppression water flow will begin about 65 seconds before hot fire.
Hear the test conductor in the final minutes before the countdown during live coverage underway on NASA Television and the agency’s website.
Learn more about Green Run, and check back at this blog for updates on the SLS core stage hot fire test.
Countdown is continuing for the hot fire test of the core stage for NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket. The test is expected to start soon and last about 8 minutes to simulate launch and ascent of the SLS to orbit.
Teams powered up the core stage’s avionics systems Tuesday, Mar. 16, and began the countdown for the hot fire test earlier today. The team is continuing to closely monitor core stage and facility performance before proceeding into the final phase of the test: the terminal countdown leading to the hot fire.
During this test, the team has repeated many of the major milestones marked during the wet dress rehearsal and the first hot fire test, including chilling the main propulsion system and completely filling both propellant tanks. Coming up at 10 minutes before the test, the test conductor will poll the team who will give the final “go/no go” to proceed with the hot fire test.
Learn more about Green Run, and check back at this blog for updates on the SLS core stage hot fire test.
Engineers have completed tanking for the hot fire test of NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket core stage at the agency’s Stennis Space Center, and the countdown is proceeding normally.
The liquid hydrogen tank holds 537,000 gallons of liquid hydrogen, cooled to minus 423 degrees Fahrenheit. The liquid oxygen tank holds 196,000 gallons of liquid oxygen, cooled to minus 297 degrees Fahrenheit. After tanking is complete, the team will continue chilling down the liquid oxygen propellant to condition it before the hot fire. While they are conditioning the liquid oxygen, they replenish the liquid hydrogen as it boils off due to temperature fluctuations as the propellant is loaded. The tanks can be loaded up to 22 times for testing and launches.
This part of the test timeline is also important as it pertains to simulating launch. During a launch, many activities will be happening on the pad at this time, such as loading the crew. The hot fire test provides an opportunity to demonstrate that the core stage can remain in a stable configuration and be replenished as needed before engine firing to launch the rocket.
Learn more about Green Run, and check back at this blog for updates on the SLS core stage hot fire test.
The test team conducted a pre-test briefing in the Test Control Center at the B test complex at NASA’s Stennis Space Center near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, and gave a “go” to proceed with testing and to fill the propellant tanks.
Over the next several hours, the teams will monitor the systems and load more than 700,000 gallons of cryogenic, or supercooled, liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen that will be fed to the four RS-25 engines during the hot fire test later today.
The hot fire will last up to 8 minutes and is scheduled to take place during a two-hour window that begins at 3 p.m. EDT. Live coverage will begin 30 minutes before the test on NASA Television and the agency’s website.
Learn more about Green Run, and check back at this blog for updates on the SLS core stage hot fire test.
During NASA’s Green Run hot fire test, the team will be especially interested in several key operations when testing the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket core stage under conditions it may experience during a variety of deep space missions.
Green Run, an end-to-end system test of the core stage with Artemis I flight hardware, will help validate the core stage design. One of the main questions Green Run will answer is: How does the integrated core stage perform during a series of dynamic operations it may experience during launch and ascent to deep space? The test is not only for environments and operations that the rocket’s core stage will encounter on Artemis I, but also for those it will undergo during future missions.
This video explains more about the operations occurring during the Green Run hot fire.
Hot fire day begins with filling the liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen tanks with more than 700,000 gallons of propellant. After the supercold propellant is loaded and the core stage systems are conditioned to cryogenic temperatures as low as minus 423 degtrees Fahrenheit, the test conductor will poll the team. When everything is ready, they will proceed with the terminal countdown that includes the final 10 minutes before the hot fire. During the terminal countdown, the team will initiate the autonomous launch sequence that simulates the countdown for the Artemis I launch. Then, the test transitions from ground control to on-board software control of the core stage so that the test is fully automated starting at T-30 seconds.
The core stage RS-25 engine ignition starts at approximately six seconds before T-0, beginning with Engine 1, followed by Engines 3, 4, and 2, each ignited in sequence a few hundredths of a second apart. Recording data on how the stage performs at T-0 and as the engines ramp up to 109 percent power is one critical test operation. Another is when the engines are throttled down to 95 percent, just as they are throttled down in flight at Max-Q, or maximum dynamic pressure when aerodynamic forces put the greatest stress on the rocket.
The team will also test the margins of the core stage thrust vector control system that gimbals, or moves, each engine in a specific pattern. Each engine has its own thrust vector control system that is essential for moving the engine to control the rocket’s flight. Depending on the trajectory flown, the thrust vector control system can gimbal the engines to direct thrust and thus the rocket’s path. The first gimbaling occurs a little over a minute into the test.
An important part of the hot fire occurs when this system begins rapidly moving the engines in specific patterns that are more extreme than those planned for Artemis missions. This occurs around 2 minutes and 10 seconds into the test. This test is called the frequency response test because it measures the stage’s frequency as the thrust vector control system gimbals the engine. The test ensures the thrust vector control system’s response is demonstrated under a variety of flight-like conditions. This is a very dynamic portion of the core stage hot fire test and understanding the thrust vector control system and the core stage’s response across a range of frequencies is important to understand the stage’s performance during flight.
To ensure SLS can safely send humans to space, NASA will use data from the Green Run test campaign, along with modeling and analysis, to show the core stage design can fly not only on Artemis I, but also for many deep space missions.
For updates on Green Run progress, check back at this blog. NASA TV coverage will begin about 30 minutes before the test. For more information about SLS Green Run, visit
Engineers have initiated power up of the flight computes and avionics for the Artemis I core stage. This begins the countdown for the hot fire test with the core stage of NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket scheduled for Thursday, March 18.
Before the test, the management team in the Test Control Center at the B test complex will provide approval to proceed into the test. One of the first actions on hot fire day will be to load the stage’s huge tanks with more than 700,000 gallons of propellant. Six barges filled with liquid hydrogen and oxygen will supply the propellant to the B-2 test stand at NASA’s Stennis Space Center near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, where the Green Run tests are taking place. The engines use cryogenic, or supercooled, liquid hydrogen as fuel and liquid oxygen as oxidizer to create combustion.
To fill each of the six barges, three for liquid oxygen and three for liquid hydrogen, it required 18 to 20 tanker trucks worth of propellant. The barges are towed by tug from a fuel depot at Stennis to the B-2 stand.
In this video, SLS Stages Manager Julie Bassler, describes avionics and flight software testing conducted in the Systems Integration Laboratory at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, to support Green Run. The computers and avionics are the “brains” of the rocket, and they control the core stage systems during the test, just like they will be required to control the rocket during the Artemis I flight.
Learn more about Green Run, and check back at this blog for updates on the SLS core stage hot fire test.
NASA is targeting Thursday, March 18 for the second hot fire of the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket’s core stage at NASA’s Stennis Space Center near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.
After performing tests to demonstrate that a recently repaired liquid oxygen pre-valve was working, the team has continued to prepare the core stage, its four RS-25 engines, and the B-2 test stand for the second hot fire at Stennis. Later this week, the team will power up the core stage again and do a final check of all its systems. Then, on March 16, two days before the test, they will power up the stage, starting the clock for the second hot fire.
This hot fire is the last test before the Artemis I core stage is shipped to the agency’s Kennedy Space Center for assembly and integration with the rest of the rocket’s major elements and the Orion spacecraft. Exploration Ground Systems teams at Kennedy have stacked all parts of the solid rocket boosters for Artemis I in the Vehicle Assembly Building and are finishing up booster assembly. After the core stage arrives, it will be lifted and placed between the two boosters and attached at the core stage engine and intertank sections. Other parts of the rocket and the Orion spacecraft are also at Kennedy and are being prepared for final assembly and integration.
NASA’s SLS rocket is the most powerful rocket in the world, built to send both astronauts aboard Orion and supplies on missions to the Moon and beyond. The Green Run is a comprehensive test of the SLS core stage, a complex new rocket stage that not only includes four RS-25 engines and enormous propellant tanks that hold more than 700,000 gallons of super cold propellant, but also flight computers and avionics that control the first eight minutes of flight. The Green Run test series will help validate that the SLS core stage is ready for its first flight on Artemis I and subsequent missions.
Check back at this blog for an update on core stage power up for the second Green Run hot fire. For more information about SLS Green Run, visit