6 thoughts on “Launch Feature Posted”

  1. buenas tardes me gusta el universo y estoy contento de todo lo que pasa con la estacion espacial internacional y del lanzamiento del cohete Space X rumbo aa base espacial me encantaria estar en la estacion la espacial internacional un saludo desde Colombia gracias

  2. Im a SpaceX fan, and excited to see ISS missions returning to Florida. That said, knowing that Mr Musk has hugged a few trees and that NASA has so many missions to help us understand our environment, I would like to bring to their attention that the beaches along KSC, including Playalinda Beach are in deplorable condition and over ridden with trash. Due to the way the beaches have been setup to provide security for KSC, its nearly impossible for the public to clean these beaches. Perhaps Mr Musk could propose some simple solutions to help Brevard County and KSC protect these beaches, which are nesting beaches for endangered sea turtles amongst other things.

    Thank you.
    Brian Barnes

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