Next SpaceX Launch Attempt Saturday, Jan. 10

SpaceX will make its next attempt to launch the Falcon 9 rocket from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida to send the unpiloted Dragon cargo ship to the International Space Station on Saturday, Jan. 10. Launch time is approximately 4:47 a.m. Eastern time. NASA TV coverage will begin at 3:30 a.m. Eastern time.

A launch on Saturday would result in Dragon arriving at the station for its grapple on Monday, Jan. 12 at approximately 6 a.m. Eastern time.

The backup launch opportunity would be on Tuesday, Jan. 13 with launch at approximately 3:36 a.m. Eastern time. That would result in a grapple of Dragon on Thursday, Jan. 15 at approximately 6 a.m. Eastern time.

The move of the launch date to Jan. 10 results in a Dragon departure from the station on Tuesday, Feb. 10.

29 thoughts on “Next SpaceX Launch Attempt Saturday, Jan. 10”

  1. Support NASA all the way.Was watching Columbia as it had a failure.Spend art class with head laying on radio while John Glen made history.

  2. OMG, Space X, OMG! So much time to prepare; so many near-launches, and still limping and blabbering about your next launch attempt. The astronauts will starve to death or run out of purpose before you get your thing going. So much excitement and anticipation before and so much disappointment now.
    Its a good thing for rocket viewing fans that you will have failed your next launch at 4:47am on January 10, because none of us would wake up so early for nothing.

    1. Let’s see you build a rocket. More importantly, let’s see you get it up in the air on the first try? Every heard the phrase “measure twice, cut once”? I’d rather see a launch delayed 5 times than a failed one.

    2. You do realize Falcon 9 has already had 13 of 13 successful launches? The Falcon 9 booster has already been able to “reenter from space at hypersonic velocity, restart main engines twice, deploy landing legs and touch down at near zero velocity.”

      Thats Funny…. SpaceX, a private corporation is way ahead of Russia that still won’t even start testing Reuseable rockets until 2020.

      Go figure you would want to be cautious when it comes to launching something like a ROCKET when carrying millions of dollars of cargo ( Not like its combustible or anything…. ). Sorry they don’t cater to your viewing pleasure and time schedules.

    3. You are comparing 45 to 50 year old technology to new technology. Whether this launch/ mission is a success or failure; I will go with the development and eventual refinement/reliability of advanced technology with a look to the future anytime. Lower cost and reusability will make access to low earth orbit more accessible.

      Every booster and spacecraft have had problems during their development phase. Show me anyone that hasn’t. One thing is for sure — it won’t take 25+ years for SpaceX to work out the bugs.

      No — I am not affiliated with SpaceX in any way. I like to follow programs with a vision. Don’t you?

    4. fladimir – Rockets are hard. Please schedule a webcast of your next accomplishment so we can all give you feedback.

    5. Actually I will wake up to watch the launch just like I did when they aborted it. And if you don’t like space x what are you doing here?

    6. You are ignorant. Space X has had the enviable record of having developed a world class launch system, has returned intact launch first stages and many other firsts that no other company has even dreamt of doing record time.

    7. Not much for professionalism, nor patience, have YOU, haste make waste (very old proverb however it works). Just a bit of funds at risk. It will be fine (absolute site too see the the launch vehicle land CONTROLED). They KNOW what THEY are Accomplishing. Sounds like YOU do not! Regards

  3. take your time . . . do it right . . . i was quite pleased to see your people abort with just over a minute to go on the last try . . . shows maturity and good judgement . . . and it beats the hell out of watching the second stage head off to Hoboken instead of the ISS! . . . best of luck on the next try (and i hope you don’t need the luck)

    some out here realize that you only get two . . . and NASA picked ‘cheap’ and ‘good’ . . . the more you successfully launch and deliver, the better it looks when it comes time to get that coveted ‘man rated’ stamp even if it’s on a completely different vehicle.

    i’ll leave you with some advice from a rather famous guy . . .

    “There is more to life than increasing its speed.” – Mohandas K. Ghandi

  4. Birds have wings, humans still use their aircraft wings … would be an embarrassment to the Wright brothers … we have not yet passed on flights this problem ……….
    and even the Air Force is boasting of his airplanes with wings …. But do not allow new technologies ….
    even my own country makes us the case that deserves this event ….

    sending part of the project again ………

    (now also possible in the reverse refriction – in progress- For the human body,
    stand, sudden accelerations and decelerations)
    Vehicles, “ALL-ROAD”
    Water and below it (run over the sea and under the
    surface), on any terrain under any traction – mud – muddy, snowy or rural land,
    desert or jungle without paths, (even in space areas atmosphere, stratosphere),
    suspended at any height, no noise. (by now little basic prototype reaction energy
    Leave the vehicle suspended anywhere without wearing
    any kind of fuel, and inaccessible. And in any degree of contingency ….
    Revolution in aeronautical stations and national port
    and cargo industries, transfer, transport, mining, film industry, agriculture,
    etc etc …
    Now, NO more Propeller Drones, preventing closer to
    your subject, the human being, make noise, have a short time in the
    “air” and further, are unmanned …
    No more trains to be used by way of iron, monorails or
    magnets …
    No more loading docks where you have to load
    containers to ships.
    No more vehicles using tires and take up space on the
    roads … much less queues at bottlenecks, crashes or skids on snowy areas or
    ice crystals.
    Optimal conditions for rescue and emergency and
    contingency, hurricanes, earthquakes, disasters in general ….
    Scheduled Voice Tools (operating rooms, construction
    industry, mining, oil etc ….)
    and propel the new satellites orbit now no extra fuel cost (from
    reactors satellites

    The China and Saudi
    (CZ-2F and Shenzhou spaceship,
    technology: MIL-STD-1553B dual redundant system) (only for tele-communications)
    We can position the
    satellites at will in the known belt Clark (revive / re orbit again and provide
    maintenance at low cost to the former space station Мир MIR Now soon called:
    The International Space Station (ISS) (МКС, Международная космическая станция),
    will now be possible and successful conquering new planets for study and
    composition, as in the ambitious SLS / Orion program …… or confirm the
    viability of life on Kepler . Kepler 22-f 186-b … or to collaborate soon in
    the design software giant manned rocket SLS and redirect the structure of the
    Orion (MPCV) spacecraft to say something, (remove obsolete) ICPs (interim
    Cryogenic Propulsion Stage) Or … as we
    explore our own planet from the discretion of silence, remain focal corner
    where no one would have imagined or in the same abysmal depths of MARIAN
    located at coordinates 11 ° 19’N, 142 ° 15’E . (for reference) or amazon and
    take their secrets from strategic points. What is happening in real time on the
    Magellan Strait and the entire peninsula called ring of fire, know in real time
    what is happening in Antarctica, mountains of Northern Colombia, secret
    Siberian glacier melt main Bonnet glacier in Greenland, which actually happens
    in the deserts of our planet and its relationship to fertilization of the
    Amazon rainforest and the fertile fields of the USA that actually happens in
    the Massif Sarisariñama and introduced to the craters or failures without fear
    of conosuccion ….
    Levitate over
    Mangkalihat peninsula to advance research, their formations and fauna …
    Accompany a flock of geese on their actual migration without being noticed …
    Let’s enjoy a simple
    stroll on the “roof” of our world ….
    We are now so practiced
    on the verge of … science .. in the practice.
    nanotechnology applications in robotics-antigravity.

    Engeener Max Garcia Pargo
    skype: maxgarciac7081
    whatsupp: + 52 1 322 198 5356
    cell: + 52 1 317 103 1951

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  6. Can’t wait to see if the first stage will land safely! Also, are someone able to tell me more about the orbital mechanics of rendevouzing with ISS? Like where is ISS at launch time, how many orbits does the dragon make and what kind of mid-flight corrections are there?

    1. Might be a little harder to see than it would have a few days ago. What time does it start getting light at that floating landing spot? It’s certainly going to be dark when they launch on Sat morning.

    2. after about 9-10 min from launch Dragon will reach orbit velocity, so it’ll make 1 orbit in ~90 min. docking will complete in estimated 50h after launch, so both Dragon and ISS will make ~33 passes around Earth. ISS if I understand it correctly, doesn’t adjust it’s orbit for Dragon capsule, so on Falcon 9 launch, ISS’s orbit would line with Florida, and ISS itself would be more less above Colombia/Gulf of Mexico. Not sure how big separation is planned for shortly after reaching initial orbit.

  7. Vladimir, your comment is nonsensical. Delays are not uncommon, and because SpaceX is a relatively new company flying a relatively new rocket, they are extremely careful in how they operate. Any indications of a problem will be examined and fixed. ISS has plenty of supplies on board and is at no risk. Even if something happened to this CRS-5 mission, the international partners are still able to fly resupplies…Russia and Japan both operate cargo vehicles. Even in the worst case scenario, the astronauts can easily return to Earth on the Soyuz spacecraft.

    As for when the Falcon 9 rocket launches, that is timed for when the ISS is basically overhead, to minimize the amount of fuel necessary for the spacecraft to reach the station, as well as how long it takes the spacecraft to reach station. All visiting spacecraft operate in this way. Rocket launches are not timed for viewer pleasure, but to maximize the safety of the vehicle and the amount of cargo being transported.

  8. Any NEW technology has a few kinks. Best wishes to the team. I seem to recall a few delayed launches in the past, yet we walked on the moon.

  9. I am very impressed with SpaceX and will stay up/get up to watch their launches however many times it takes. I first learned about this particular launch through NASASocial, and I am so pleased for this program as it tuned me into what is currently happening at NASA and gave me more in depth knowledge of SpaceX. Thanks to NASASocial, I watched the televised press conferences earlier this week and learned much about the mission. It is amazing what NASA and the innovative SpaceX are doing. Take your time and do it right. I support your mission and your caution.

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