Terminal Count: Autosequencers Operating Countdown

T-10 minutes – The autosequencing computers for the Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft have taken over the countdown process. They will automatically run the systems through their carefully timed steps leading up to liftoff. Ground controllers carefully monitor the steps and can call a hold in the launch if something is not right. So far though, everything remains on schedule.

Launch Window Instantaneous Today

18964422099_a371167fa5_oWith less than hour before launch at 10:21 a.m. EDT, the countdown continues on schedule. The SpaceX Falcon 9 and Dragon spacecraft are timed precisely to lift off at the optimum point to reach the space station, which is zooming overhead 249 miles above Earth at 17,500 mph. That means the launch window is 1-second today, otherwise the launch team will have to make another attempt on another day.