Or a new broadband station of some kind.
PTV is really NASA Insider lingo for Parachute Test Vehicle. Being the key player that I am, the following pictures were sent to me for my approval.
I won’t trouble you with the pages of notes, back and forth dialogue, and details of my careful examination of the plans. I’d rather just bring you right up to speed with where things are now.
Here are just a few key things you should know about the PTV.
1. This vehicle represents the first full system parachute test in preparation for the first Pad Abort Test.
2. This vehicle will face many realistic test conditions which include testing for mass properties, aero shape, flow field and structural integrity.
3. The test will be conducted by dropping the PTV from a C-130, not via rocket. That will come later.
4. These pictures do not have the chutes integrated yet.
I’m not certain of the test date, but when I work out the details with the test team and let everyone know.
Enjoy the pics.
Don’t worry, this vehicle is unmanned. They don’t have to cram a bathroom in there. Photo Credit: NASA
The tan and toupe color scheme match the theme for my high school prom. Hmmm, which is cooler? Photo Credit: NASA
If I drop a few pounds, I could squeeze in there for a ride. Photo Credit: NASA
It almost looks as if the PTV is smiling in this last picture. I guess everyone, even the vehicle itself, can’t wait to begin testing.
The Co-Host