Take a Ride on the eZLS

What is the eZLS?  It’s the enhanced Zero-Gravity Locomotion Simulator.  Essentially it’s a vertical treadmill that can simulate walking or running in a reduced gravity environment such as on the ISS, the Moon, or Mars.  Blair and I had the opportunity to run on the treadmill to experience what astronauts go through when they work out on station.

The eZLS inside the Exercise Countermeasures Laboratory at NASA Glenn Research Center.  Credit: NASA EDGE/Ron Beard

This piece of equipment is housed at NASA Glenn Research Center and is part of the Exercise Countermeasures Laboratory.  I have to say this is one cool piece of technology.  The goofy co-host had first crack at the treadmill.  He came in wearing colorful and loud workout gear sporting 1980’s socks and headband.  I think he watched Chariots of Fire before the shoot.

Kelly Gilkey making sure Blair is ready to go on the eZLS.
Kelly Gilkey makes sure Blair is ready to go on the eZLS. Credit: NASA EDGE/Don Morrison

Check out our Facebook page to see more pictures of Blair stretching and posing for the camera.  Next it was my turn and my dress was a bit more reserved.  I consider myself a runner so I was really paying attention to all the details.  Kelly Gilkey made sure everything looked good and that I was secured.

All systems go. Ready for lift-off.
Chris is running vertically for the first time in his life.  Credit: NASA EDGE/Don Morrison

I started out by walking at a 3.5 mph pace.  It took about 30 secs to a minute to get accustomed to the treadmill.  At first I felt my feet going everywhere and the force plate, which is free floating was moving in all directions.  Once I got the hang of it I then started with a light jog (5.5-6.0 mph).  The treadmill was very fluid and easy to run on. I never passed 7.0 mph due to time constraints but next time I would like to bump it up to 9 – 10 mph to get a good workup or maybe run a half-marathon.

Chris and Blair with the Exercise Countermeasures crew.
Blair won best outfit for the day.  Credit: NASA EDGE/Ron Beard

Special thanks to Gail Perusek (Project Manager), Kelly Gilkey (Lab Manager), Mike Rossiter (Operations Engineer), and Mark Savina (Operations Manager) for allowing us to cover the eZLS.  This will make a great NE@ segment.

All the best,


21 thoughts on “Take a Ride on the eZLS”

  1. So, is it easier to work out in space than on Earth? The eZLS looks really cool! I can’t wait for this NE@ segment!

  2. Wow! What an awesome project! Does a person burn as many calories working out in the gravity of the moon or mars as they do in standard earth gravity? Just curious . . .

  3. Does a person burn as many calories working out in the gravity of the moon or mars as they denture do in standard earth gravity?

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    The Co-Host

  4. This eZLS will be very useful for astronauts.
    It is a very appreciable work of NASA and its features are amazing….

  5. Wow I guess this is going to be the latest slimming “craze” for the year lol !

  6. Nice photos guys. Is seems you guys are having fun out there!

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    The Co-Host

  7. That is amazing! Funny Picture. Definitely should be fun


    “success is a journey”

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    The Co-Host

  8. NASA and its projects to innovate for the future…

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    The Co-Host

  9. “I am really enjoying reading your well written articles. It looks like you spend a lot of effort and time on your blog. I have bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles. Keep up the good work it!”

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    The Co-Host

  10. I am really savoring studying your nicely created content articles. It seems to be like you spend a great deal of work and time on your blog. I’ve bookmarked it and I’m looking ahead to reading new content articles. Maintain up the excellent function it.

  11. “HI,
    I like this type of information because you always can learn some interesting new knowledge and at the same time revive the knowledge you already know.”

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    The Co-Host

  12. “What an awesome project! Does a person burn as many calories working out in the gravity of the moon or mars as they do in standard earth gravity? Just curious.”

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    The Co-Host

  13. Does a person burn as many calories working out in the gravity of the moon or mars as they do in standard earth gravity? Just curious.

    Thanks for the question. I don’t have the official answer, but when we were running on the eZLS with lower gravity settings, we were able to run at a good pace without increasing our heart rate as much as we would on Earth. As a result, I think you burn fewer calories at the same pace than you would on Earth.



  14. “very interesting post. I have not seen something like this”

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    The Co-Host

  15. “A good blog always comes-up with new and exciting information and while reading I have feel that this blog is really have all those quality that qualify a blog to be a good one.”

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    The Co-Host

  16. “Amazing stuff. I always wanted to be an astronaut and to be on top of the world. Cool pictures as well. Would really love to know if they permit visitors to try stuff like these at Glenn Research Centre.”

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    The Co-Host

  17. “I think so this post is very interesting and useful for all us. We must follow this every time.”

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    The Co-Host

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