Robotic Arm Captures Dragon

Dragon Captured by Robotic Arm
The SpaceX Dragon space freighter is in the grips of the Canadarm2 robotic arm. Credit: NASA TV

While the International Space Station was traveling 257 statute miles over the Pacific Ocean just east of Japan, Expedition 43 Flight Engineer Samantha Cristoforetti of the European Space Agency, with the assistance of Expedition 43 Commander Terry Virts of NASA, successfully captured the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft with the station’s robotic arm at 6:55 a.m. EDT.

Operations to berth Dragon to the space station begin at approximately 9:40 a.m. NASA TV coverage will resume at 9:15 a.m. at

21 thoughts on “Robotic Arm Captures Dragon”

  1. More fresh fruits to the brave astronauts! They deserve. Following one more spectacular launch we all welcome the beautiful Dragon spacecraft to the ISS. Please post some photos of the astronauts inside the Dragon while unloading the precious cargo. Meanwhile we’ll be dreaming of the V2 version of the Dragon. Congratulations to the SpaceX and all partners involved.

    1. From Guadalajara, México
      Two months ago I have had learned some the ISS station, their experiments, investigations, technological tests and human endurance tests in weightlessness,
      My admiration and respect for all astronauts, scientists and staff involved that make possible such amazing tasks

  2. Last night, Thursday 4/16/15, we were luck to be able to watch the 9:38 PM PDT pass of the ISS over Olympia, WA. As the station got higher in the sky, we were able to see a smaller object trailing it. This object would get very bright, them dim. This was repeated three times before they disappeared behind the trees. Was this the Dragon, and was it firing its engines to establish the correct orbit?

    1. Sounds like both you guys watched the same fly over…
      Here’s a similar post:

      Doug Smith
      April 17, 2015 at 2:34 pm
      At 21.38 PST April 16 watched the ISS pass over Vancouver, BC and noted this small object following close behind so I was thrilled to note on your web page that this was the SpaceX Dragon supply ship that docked in the early hours of Friday, April 17. Great Stuff!!

      1. That is great. The very view I had been needed.
        And II also feel to be in universe,.Very thanks.

  3. At 21.38 PST April 16 watched the ISS pass over Vancouver, BC and noted this small object following close behind so I was thrilled to note on your web page that this was the SpaceX Dragon supply ship that docked in the early hours of Friday, April 17. Great Stuff!!

  4. From Guadalajara, México
    Two months ago I have had learned some the ISS station, their experiments, investigations, technological tests and human endurance tests in weightlessness,
    My admiration and respect for all astronauts, scientists and staff involved that make possible such amazing tasks

  5. Cheers to the people at Space X, once again they have demonstrated the importance of have a home grown rocket with home grown engines to support ISS. The Falcon 9 and Dragon have proven to be a safe and reliable delivery package.

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