One of the new experiments aboard the International Space Station can now be watched live by anyone on Earth with an Internet connection. The research is part of a project called High Definition Earth Viewing, or HDEV. Four commercially available cameras carried to the station on the SpaceX-3 cargo resupply mission have been installed on the outside of the station and viewers can watch the feeds as they automatically scan through various angles to show different views of Earth from the orbiting laboratory.
Although they are enclosed in special cases, the cameras are exposed to the vacuum and radiation of space so researchers on Earth can note whether the pictures degrade over time and how badly. You can watch the live stream online at here. You can read more about HDEV here.
HDEV was one of several new research projects recently carried to the one-of-a-kind science center orbiting about 260 miles over Earth. Numerous experiment aboard the station are conducted daily by astronauts while others are run automatically. You can read more details about station research here.
Fantástico! Tecnologia de Ponta em alta resolução, 4 câmaras de vídeos disponíveis, colocadas expostamente em locais estratégicos da ISS. Sobre o olhar telescópico da Space X-3, faz o escaneamento visual diferenciado, de vários ângulos, para mostrar ao vivo, esta magnífica imagem do Planeta Terra girando no Espaço Sideral.
Fantástico! Tecnologia de Ponta em alta resolução, 4 câmaras de vídeos disponíveis, colocadas expostamente em locais estratégicos da ISS. Sobre o olhar telescópico da Space X-3, faz o escaneamento visual diferenciado, de vários ângulos da Terra, para mostrar ao vivo, esta magnífica imagem do Planeta, composta por Continentes, Arquipélagos, Oceanos e Mares girando no Espaço Sideral.