SpaceX Completes Road to Launch Pad


LC39Aimage2Launch Pad 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, Florida, continues to take shape as SpaceX has completed the road from its processing hangar to the top of the launch stand.

LC39a_3A transporter-erector will move the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy rockets to position them above the flame trench for liftoff on flights carrying astronauts to the International Space Station and other launches.

The rockets and Crew Dragon spacecraft will be processed in the hangar being built at the base of the pad. The company also continues upgrading the launch structure and pad area to modernize the facilities that supported historic launches of the Apollo-Saturn V missions and space shuttles.


3 thoughts on “SpaceX Completes Road to Launch Pad”

  1. When is the Crewed Dragon spacecraft going to fly it’s first test flight?
    I am a big fan of The Commercial Crew program, SLS and Orion.

  2. Hi there from Britain. Space x doing more great work at KSC. Cannot wait to see the falcon rockets flying again! The loss of CRS-7 will ultimately save lives along the line. Keep up the tempo.

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