NASA and Partners Keep Up Pace to Complete Milestones

ccp-lueders-announcementThis week’s announcement to finalize development and certification efforts, as well as begin operation of new American crew transportation systems has not slowed the ongoing work with NASA and aerospace industry partners. Blue Origin, Boeing, Sierra Nevada Corporation and SpaceX continue to make great strides under their Space Act Agreements with NASA’s Commercial Crew Program (CCP). NASA is absolutely committed to these agreements and will continue working with our partners to complete them.

Kathy Lueders, NASA’s CCP manager, reiterated the agency’s commitment during the media teleconference Tuesday. “As a program, we gain a lot of benefit from us continuing to work with different solutions and keeping our fingers on the pulse of industry out there,” said Lueders. “It continues to provide us with innovative and new ways for us to be able to do business together.”

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